The court shall schedule such other conferences as may be necessary to help resolve the action. Section 202.59 Tax assessment review proceedings in counties outside the City of New York; special rules. 202.58 Small claims tax assessment review proceedings; . filed Jan. 9, 1986; amds. Whenever reliance is placed upon a decision or other authority not readily available to the court, a copy of the case or of pertinent portions of the authority shall be submitted with the motion papers. Adherence to Discovery Schedule, Expert Disclosure. (8) The testimony taken and all exhibits marked in evidence shall be filed with the report of the referee. Sec. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. Plaintiff's exhibits shall be numerically tabbed, and defendant's exhibits shall be tabbed alphabetically. There shall be a dedicated part(s) of Supreme Court in each Judicial District which shall be assigned all actions revived pursuant to CPLR 214-g (214-g Part). (9) After jury selection is completed, counsel shall advise the clerk of the assigned Trial Part or of the Trial Assignment Part or other designated part. 202.34 Pre-Marking of Exhibits (c) Any written description of a partys claims/defenses provided under this Rule is not binding and does not limit the scope of a partys pleadings. The word count shall exclude the caption, table of contents, table of authorities, and signature block. The auctioneer's fee for conducting the sale shall be as prescribed by law. Absent advance permission, reply papers shall not be submitted on orders to show cause. (2) No person who has served as a hearing officer shall be eligible to serve again until all other hearing officers on the Panel have had an opportunity to serve. (4) Official record; maintenance of files . Box or other alternate addresses associated with the defendant of which the servicer or its attorney is aware shall also be listed. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amds. (1) Prior to the identification of the prospective jurors to be seated in the jury box, counsel shall ask questions generally to all of the jurors in the room to determine whether any prospective juror in the room has knowledge of the subject matter, the parties, their attorneys or the prospective witnesses. Copies must be legible. Unless otherwise directed by the court, any document placed in restricted status in response to such a request shall be returned to public view upon expiration of this five day period. (3) Where appropriate, the court may order parties, representatives of parties, representatives of insurance carriers or other persons having an interest in any settlement to attend the settlement conference in person, by telephone, or by other electronic media. The judge thereby assigned shall be known as the "assigned judge" with respect to that matter and, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (c) of this section, shall conduct all further proceedings therein. 202.5-bb. (1) Every paper served on another party or filed or submitted to the court in a matrimonial action shall be signed as provided in section 130-1.1a of this Title. Section 202.1 Application of Part; Waiver; Additional Rules; Application of CPLR; Definitions. Where an application for poor person relief is made, payment of the fee for filing the request for judicial intervention accompanying the application shall be required only upon denial of the application. Notice of all such technical failures shall be provided on the site. All exhibits not consented to shall be marked for identification only. Such deadlines, however, may be modified upon the consent of all parties, provided that all discovery shall be completed by the discovery cutoff date set forth in the preliminary conference order. There is no Settlement Agreement entered between the parties; and it is further (i) Where the court (or a referee ordered by the court) makes a written finding that the allegations of the petition are established, it shall deliver a judgment, which shall include such finding and shall direct the expungement or redaction of the financing statement found therein to be falsely filed or amended in the public office in which it was filed; and may grant any additional relief sought that is authorized under section 9-625 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Immediate Trial or Pre-Trial Evidentiary Hearing. Discovery of Electronically Stored Information. This section shall apply to every tax assessment review proceeding brought pursuant to title 1 of Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law in counties outside the City of New York. The court may at any time order discontinuation of e-filing in such action or modification of e-filing procedures therein in order to prevent prejudice and promote substantial justice. 202.69 Coordination of related actions pending in more than one . (d) Upon review of the motion notice letter, the court will schedule a telephone or in-court conference with counsel. (iii) bringing such special proceeding against the respondent to invalidate the false filing or amendment of such financing statement. If a medical malpractice action, there has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to section 202.56 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator (22 NYCRR 202.56). (a) Proposed orders or judgments, with proof of service on all parties where the order is directed to be settled or submitted on notice, must be submitted for signature, unless otherwise directed by the court, within 60 days after the signing and filing of the decision directing that the order be settled or submitted. The affidavit upon which application is made for leave to file a provisional bond must show fully and fairly the nature and extent of the property assigned, and good and sufficient reason must be shown why the schedule and inventory cannot be filed. Absent advance permission of the court, reply papers shall not be submitted on orders to show cause. Alternatively, in the court's discretion, all directions of the court and stipulations of counsel may be recorded by a reporter. and instructions in the Unified Court System Uncontested Divorce Packet as set forth in Since then, they have served as the central rationale for the Divisions commitment to excellence in the administration of the rule of law in business in New York. The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. (5) Procedures applicable to e-filing attorneys and other persons. (d) For the purposes of this Rule, each deposition of an officer, director, principal or employee of an entity who is also a fact witness, as opposed to an entity representative pursuant to CPLR 3106(d), shall constitute a separate deposition. An attorney may exercise a second, single peremptory challenge within the round only after all other attorneys have either exercised or waived their first peremptory challenges. aims to provide practitioners with a mechanism for streamlining the discovery (d) Application of CPLR. The four possible settlement conference tracks are as follows: (A) The parties may agree to have a settlement conference before the assigned justice or another judge pursuant to Commercial Division Rule 3(b). In the event of a change in title of an action by reason of a substitution of any party, no new note of issue will be required. The instructions to said Packets shall instruct litigants that they may include a request for transfer of title to the marital home, cooperative apartment or condominium Added (b)(3) on May 22 effective August 1, 2017. Exhibits not previously demanded which are to be used solely for credibility or rebuttal need not be pre-marked. Section 202.53 Trust accountings; procedure. Upon learning of the compromise of the confidentiality of either the User ID or the password, an authorized e-filing user shall immediately notify the Resource Center. Section 202.62 Payment of eminent domain award to other than the named awardee. Amended (a). (5) If the judge or referee believes that the papers are insufficient, the complaint shall either be dismissed for failure of proof or a hearing shall be directed to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to support the cause of action. 202.30 [Reserved] 202.40 Jury trial of less than all issues; procedure The court shall consider the pro se status of any party in granting relief pursuant to this provision. (a) For each document request propounded, the responding party shall, in its Response and Objections served pursuant to CPLR 3122(a) (the Response), either: (1) state that the production is made as requested; or. (e) Transfer into the Commercial Division. A consumer credit transaction does not include debt incurred in connection with, among others, medical services, student loans, auto loans or retail installment contracts. At the pre-trial conference, counsel shall be prepared to discuss all matters as to which there is disagreement between the parties, including those identified in Rules 27-29, and settlement of the matter. If the parties wish to continue talks with the neutral beyond the initial conference, an arrangement will have to be made to retain such neutral at terms agreed to by the neutral and the parties. Historical Note Hon. (3) The appraisal reports shall contain a statement of the method of appraisal relied on and the conclusions as to value reached by the expert, together with the facts, figures and calculations by which the conclusions were reached. This section shall apply to such categories of cases designated by the Chief Administrator of the Courts as being subject to differentiated case management, and shall be implemented in such counties, courts or parts of courts as designated by the Chief Administrator. The parties preferences would ordinarily be given presumptive weight. (g) Rules of practice for the Commercial Division. The court may require the parties to provide working copies of documents filed electronically. 2020, effective February 1, 2021. (1) For every responsive pleading, the party preparing the responsive pleading shall interlineate each allegation of the pleading to which it is responding with the partys response to that allegation, and in doing so, shall preserve the content and numbering of the allegation. (d) A notice of an application for a judicial accounting by the guardian shall be served on the director. (b) This rule shall not apply to disclosure disputes covered by Rule 14 nor to dispositive motions pursuant to CPLR 3211, 3212 or 3213 made at the time of the filing of the Request for Judicial Intervention or after discovery is complete. the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure, the Rules of the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court and the Session Laws" von D M (Donald M ) Bain. Section 202.52 Deposit of funds by receivers and assignees. (a) Application. The court should rule upon the objections to the contested exhibits at the earliest possible time. (v) The paper sought to be filed: (A) is in an action subject to electronic filing pursuant to Rules of the Chief Administrator, (B) is not being filed electronically, and either (C) is not being filed by an unrepresented litigant who is not participating in e-filing, or (D) does not include the notice required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of section 202.5-b of such Rules. To express their consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Division, parties may include specific language in their contract, such as: "THE PARTIES AGREE TO SUBMIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION, NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT, WHICH SHALL HEAR ANY DISPUTE, CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE VALIDITY, BREACH, ENFORCEMENT OR TERMINATION THEREOF. No later than the close of business on the business day following the electronic filing of a document, a notification, in a form prescribed by the Chief Administrator, shall be transmitted electronically by the NYSCEF site to the person filing such document and the e-mail service addresses of all other participating parties in such action.When documents initiating an action are filed electronically, the County Clerk shall assign an index number or filing number to the action and that number shall be transmitted to the person filing such documents as part of the notification. Temporary Restraining Orders. (1) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, selection of jurors shall be made from an initial Panel of 25 prospective jurors, who shall be seated randomly and who shall maintain the order of seating throughout the voir dire. At any time, the court on its own motion may vacate a note of issue if it appears that a material fact in the certificate of readiness is incorrect, or that the certificate of readiness fails to comply with the requirements of this section in some material respect. If timely notification has been so given, such other individual shall instead be produced; (e) A subpoena must advise a nonparty entity of its duty to make the designations discussed in this Rule. For each category of documents that may be established, the producing party shall provide a certification, pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1a, setting forth with specificity those facts supporting the privileged or protected status of the information included within the category. The court in its discretion may extend the total number of trial hours as justice may require. Where notice is given to the attorney for the Veteran's Administration, if the attorney for the Veteran's Administration does not appear after notice, the court shall be advised whether the Veteran's Administration attorney has examined the account and whether he objects to it or to any proposed commission or fee. If a document to be annexed to an affidavit or affirmation is voluminous and only discrete portions are relevant to the motion, counsel shall attach excerpts and submit the full exhibit separately. Where the address of either party and any child or children is unknown and not a matter of public record, or is subject to an existing confidentiality order pursuant to DRL 254 or FCA 154-b, such applications may be brought in the County where the Judgment was entered; and it is further. Any scheduling and procedural issues shall be determined by the justice assigned to the case. If the court finds that the judgment, decree or order is entitled to recognition under principles of the common law of comity, it shall direct entry of the tribal judgment, decree or order as a judgment, decree or order of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Copies of all responding papers shall be submitted to the court, with proof of service and with the index number set forth in the papers, on or before the return date. Rule 28. An alternative sample choice of forum provision to that effect can also be found at Appendix C to these Rules of the Commercial Division. (c) In any accelerated action, the court shall deem the parties to have irrevocably waived: (1) any objections based on lack of personal jurisdiction or the doctrine of forum non conveniens; (3) the right to recover punitive or exemplary damages; (4) the right to any interlocutory appeal; and. All attendees of the MSC, including the assigned neutral, shall treat as confidential information any settlement submission created expressly for use in the MSC, anything that happened or was said during the course of or pursuant to the MSC, and any positions taken or offers made during the MSC. Application of Part; waiver; additional rules; . (a) Meet and Confer: General. (1) Service of initiating documents in an action. 202.21 Note of issue and certificate of readiness (2) Where the condemnor puts in issue the description of any item in the inventory, the appraisal submitted on behalf of the condemnor shall state its appraiser's description of such item and his or her estimate of value. Uniform Civil Rules For The Supreme Court & The County Court, Amended (b)(2)(ii)-(iv), (d)(1)-(7), (f)(2)(i)-(ii), (g), (h)(1)-(h)(2), (k)(2), (l) on, Amended Rule 1, 8, 9, 11-c, 11-e, 11-g, and Appendices on, Uniform Rules for N.Y. State Trial Courts, 200 - Uniform Rules For Courts Exercising Criminal Jurisdiction, 202 - Uniform Civil Rules For The Supreme Court And The County Court, 206 - Uniform Rules For The Court Of Claims, 207 - Uniform Rules For The Surrogate's Court, 208 - Uniform Civil Rules For The New York City Civil Court, 210 - Uniform Civil Rules For The City Courts Outside The City Of New York, 212 - Uniform Civil Rules For The District Courts, 214 - Uniform Civil Rules For The Justice Courts, 216 - Sealing Of Court Records In Civil Actions In The Trial Courts, 217 - Access To Court Interpreter Services for Persons With Limited English Proficiency, 218 - Uniform Rules For The Trial Courts In Capital Cases, 220 - Uniform Rules For Jury Selection And Deliberation Subpart, 221 - Uniform Rules For The Conduct Of Depositions. 202.45 Resched. Amended (a) & (b) on Dec. 29. Local court rules, not inconsistent with law or with these rules, shall comply with Part 9 of the Rules of the Chief Judge (22 NYCRR Part 9). April 1, 1988. (3) if the named entity, pursuant to subsection (d)(1) of this Rule, cross-designates more than one individual, it must set out the matters on which each individual will testify. A term of court is a four-week session of court, and there shall be 13 terms of court in a year, unless otherwise provided in the annual schedule of terms established by the Chief Administrator of the Courts, which also shall specify the dates of such terms. Section 202.26 Settlement and Pretrial Conferences. Where more than one judge is specially assigned to hear a particular category of action or proceeding, the assignment of such actions or proceedings to the judges so assigned shall be at random. In any civil action or proceeding, should counsel wish to proceed with a settlement conference before a justice or judge other than the justice or judge assigned to the case, counsel may jointly request that the assigned justice or judge grant such a separate settlement conference.
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