Doing so can be a productive way toexamine instructor bias. The black women argued that their discrimination was unique from black men and white women. Washington, DC 20052, Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Online Course, Resources on Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern Communities, Resources on Implicit Bias & Microaggressions, The George Washington University Response Action Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Addressing COVID-19 Related Bias & Discrimination, Maintaining Equity and Inclusion in Virtual Learning Environments Guidance for GW Faculty, Disability Support Services for Virtual Learning, Title IX Protections and Responsibilities During COVID-19, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberl Crenshaw, Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics by Kimberl Crenshaw, Podcast: Intersectionality Matters! Reasonable Accommodation Request Denied? Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. To enhance diversity, the University strives to recognize underrepresented groups in the areas of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, and ability status. Rather than assuming that a student can be ascribed an identity, consider spending plenty of time getting to know your students, and having them get to know one another through icebreakers, autobiographical collages, and other creative activities. While she was unable to vote and found it almost impossible to get funding for her business ventures, she persisted, and became the first recorded fmale self-made millionare in American history. Sexual orientation. It is important to understand that intersectionality has become appropriated over the past few years since Kimberl Crenshaw first debuted the concept. Intersectionality is a tool that allows us to think about systemic oppression in a broad context and emphasizes individual's experiences in an effort to understand privilege and power. Among the many policies and procedures I outline, I tell students that we have a collective responsibility to establish a principled space in our classroom. Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. Feminist review, 89(1), 1-15. Intersectionality and Higher Education by Lindsay A. Greyerbiehl (Editor); Donald Jr. Mitchell (Editor); Charlana Simmons (Editor) Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberl Crenshaw in 1989. While many who championed intersectionality early on were African American women, the theory has proven necessary to understanding a wide range of difference, including individuals sexual orientation, age, class, disability, and more. However, the overarching hierarchy of power and privilege that have set-up an inequitable system is what Kimberl was describing. As black feminist scholar bell hooks argues, intersectionality challenged the notion that gender was the primary factor determining a womans fate. College of Engineering, Design and Computing, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, & Stalking. The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO) provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. What is Intersectionality - Kimberle Crenshaw. Intersectional feminism is an intellectual and political movement that identifies and challenges the ways interlocking systems of gender, sexual, racial, colonial, class, and dis/ability oppression impact social life. Here at YW Boston, intersectionality is central to the work we do. Re-thinking intersectionality. Here, we see an intersection between gender and disability where there is a compounding effect of disadvantage. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion invites you to learn more about the importance of intersectionality and its role in creating a more equitable and inclusive community and campus during our first annual Day of Intersectionality. Do not expect people who face different systems of oppression than you to rally for causes you care about if you do not rally for theirs. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Intersectionality is a concept that describes the ways systems of inequality intersect to create unique effects and dynamics. Here is one sample case to give you a sense of what they look like: Stella is a middle manager at an Australian bank. "Intersectionality is simply about how certain aspects of who you are will increase your access to the good things or your exposure to the bad things in life. Mel Baggs was a non-binary blogger who wrote about autism and disability. Funded by the Institute for Intersectionality Research and Policy, By Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Times, Opinion, 2018, Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, By Alyssa Rosenberg; Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, By Britteny Cooper; Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, By Lauren Sudeall Lucas; Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, by Kimberl Crenshaw; Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, By Jamil Smith; Part of the Washington Post's "In Theory" series of Opinion pieces on intersectionality, 2015, By Gillian B. "Intersectionality" as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is "the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups." Understanding how race/ethnicity and gender define age-trajectories of disability: An intersectionality approach. I explicitly state that we will not allow interests that are violent, oppressive, or deny the integrity of others. In Canada, indigenous people have been raising the alarm about the apparent lack of police or government interest in the high rates of missing indigenous women. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. As Black women we see Black feminism as the logical political movement to combat the manifold and simultaneous oppressions that all women of color face. They fought not only for representation in both the Civil Rights and feminist movements, but also for recognition as black women, rather than just black or just women. For news, updates, and videos, follow or subscribe to EDI on: Twitter, Instagram, Blog, YouTube. Intersectional theory allows us to explore how discrimination has a compounding effect. In a time when women were relegated to the domestic sphere, and black people were silenced, she broke through to influence public sentiment across the nation. As a Black woman who migrated from Zimbabwe, she has always stood out at her company. Ready to jump in? Interviewer (Katy Steinmetz): "You introducedintersectionalitymore than 30 years ago. Nowadays, intersectionality is considered crucial to social equity work. Do you want to submit a guest blog? Ready to jump in? Despite our shared vision, social equity work can oftentimes feel exclusionary to those who are not familiar with the lingo. Further, the OE does not provide any funding to the organizations, programs, and resources identified herein and/or through links. Here is our list of the most fun icebreaker games that let your team have a great time, while also providing shared experiences to facilitate future interactions. Many black women found it difficult to identify with the issues of the mainstream (white) feminist movement, issues such as the pressure to be a homemaker. It takes into account people's overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. You filtered us into oblivion.Remove a couple filters, or use the search bar to try and find the very specific thing you're looking for. The growing power of highly privileged cisgender, straight, able-bodied, middle to upper class, white women is heralded as the end of patriarchy, but in fact often reinforces imperialism, white supremacy, and capitalism. As I teach business management, the fictive cases Ive used are about the overt and covert forms of discrimination in the workplace. The most influential set of books on my role as an educator is bell hooks trilogy: These three important books articulate a transformative vision for education as the practice of freedom. The New Press.Nash, J. C. (2008). Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. My favorite example to use is the celebration of female CEOs in our postfeminist culture. No matter how or when you have become involved with equity work, it is always possible to more fully integrate intersectionality into yourview of these issues. We know that everyone reading this has come to follow YW Bostons work from different entry points. When we approach the lecture on intersectionality theory, I include a disclaimer at the start of the lecture. Black women, who often had to work in order to keep their family afloat and therefore did not have the luxury of being homemakers, did not feel as though these issues pertained to their experiences. The next, "Muslim Feminism," will be on Dec. 6. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139-167. Here, being indigenous (ethnicity) and a woman (gender) intersect as historical markers of discrimination and, once again, people from these two identity categories find themselves statistically disadvantaged. The principled space was originally developed by artist and activist, Hanalei Ramos. Farm To Table: Does It Matter What We Eat? Intersectionality refers to how our multiple identities change how we experience the world, and what that means as we work to build inclusive schools, organizations, workplaces and communities." She was an extremely prolific activist for social justice for people across different identity factors, not just the disabled. She has a long list of achievements by her name, including being the first Indigenous woman to vote in a Canadian federal election. Appropriation and Appreciation: What's the Difference? Bookstore The OE is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of the resources above. We get it. The theory of those systems became known as intersectionality, a term popularized by law professor Kimberl Crenshaw. On your quest for more intersectional viewpoints, check out this list of podcasts. Considering the layers of intersectionality ensures that all voices are heard and there is a conscious awareness of the trade-offs being made and their implications.". For primary and secondary education, Teaching Tolerance has a wealth of lessons on social justice for younger students. Video of Sonny Singh by #RaceAnd, 2016, 3 minutes. '", "The following article is adapted from Five Faces of Oppression by Iris Young. Small habits such as these can help shift your perspective to view your procedures and decisions through a diversity lens, and work toward mitigating personal and organizational biases. Graduate Admissions Historically, boys have been over-diagnosed with ADHD and girls have been under-diagnosed. Oxford: A Dictionary of Social and Social Care (1 ed.) Subordinate Harassment Against A Supervisor, Success Always Leave Footprints - Black History Month 2018, The Arduousness in Proving Age Discrimination, The Fundamental Importance of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data, The Legacy of Joe Medicine Crow Dies at 102, The State of Childcare and Working Families, Top 10 STEM Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 1 What Can Organizations Do, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 2 What Can Employees Do, U.S. Mint Unveils Gold Coin featuring a Black Woman as Lady Liberty, Understanding Racial Terms and Differences, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Direct Hire Authority, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Schedule A Hiring, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Veterans Preference. Why Don't People with Disabilities Self-Identify? For example, black women face disadvantage based on both race and gender. It reminds us that people's lives cannot be explained by taking into account single categories, such as gender, race, sexuality, or socio-economic statu Later, the concept spread to break down the one dimensionality of: Instead, intersectionality aims to explore the intersection of a range of identity factors to explore the compounding effects of identity-based discrimination. Petito went missing during a road trip with her fiance, leading to worldwide media attention while the police hunted down her fiance. (LSS). My teaching philosophy follows an approach known as critical pedagogy a learner-centered approach that aims to empower students towards positive social impact. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. List of icebreaker games, activities & ideas. and further categorize those identities based on which matter most in their self-perception and which matter most in others perception of them. She achieved this because she took advantage of the Military Service Act of 1917 which allowed all people who served in the military to vote. SETT-SU FLC is made up of faculty members from various departments across campus who share an interest in learning how to effectively teach topics of diversity and implement pedagogical choices that respect and affirm diversity in our classrooms. They are especially helpful when you have new group members because they can increase group cohesion & camaraderie, and they help group members get to know each other better. Happy Lunar New Year Its the Year of the Ox! While considering other identities is important to name one's experience, by excluding a racial component, you ignore a critical piece of understanding; you cannot understand your holistic experience without acknowledging how your race shapes and influences the barriers you will face when your other identities intersect. team ice breaker games; So, here is the list! Helena loves good food, travel, and time alone. This stance sparked a nation-wide debate about segregation and inequality in the United States. Summary: Kimberl Crenshaw, a 2017 NAIS People of Color Conference speaker, civil rights advocate, and professor at UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, talks about intersectional theory, the study of how overlapping or intersecting social identitiesand particularly minority identities . At the same time, many black women experienced sexism while participating in the Civil Rights movement and were often shut out of leadership positions. "Once they've grown up, African American children are more likely than their white counterparts to backslide into a lower economic group. Diversity of all kinds matter in your workplace, your activism, your community spaces, and more. Javascript is disabled in your web browser. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion offers an in-class facilitatedprogram on social identitiesthat aims to raise awareness among students of the many ways their identities show up in the classroom. As Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie phrased it, there is a danger of the single story. Instructors should be aware of the histories of institutional racism, sexism, ableism and ageism that have resulted in extremely challenging educational climates for BIPOC students, in particular female, trans, and queer BIPOC students and BIPOC students who have a disability. What layered identities might a student have, and what identities might educational settings activate? Lower-class people who are white, Anglo-Saxon, and protestant, are stereotyped as hillbillies. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI)offers services, resources, and guidance to enhance diversity university-wide and foster a culture of equity and inclusion, The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO). KimberlCrenshaw coined this term in 1989 in reference to her experience of being black and a woman; describing the ways in which social identities influence one another and overlap. I ask them to allow approximately 30 minutes to complete: One of the most powerful, influential theories that have helped us to rethink power and identities in recent years is intersectionality theory. All rights reserved. I invite them to honor any feelings of anxiety, discomfort, guilt, and anger that may surface, and embrace them as signs of learning and growth, rather than believe it means the topic is bad or wrong. Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis. So, her products subverted the norm and was designed directly for women of color. Madam Walker produced a range of cosmetics that were specifically made for black women. Some of us have little experience with social justice, but seek a better understanding of inequity in Greater Boston. Like many other social-justice ideas, it stands because it resonates with peoples lives, but because it resonates with peoples lives, its under attack. Women werent fully given the vote at a federal level until 1918, and Indigenous people until 1960. I have collated slides from my classes that you may use to run this activity on intersectional feminism. Your email address will not be published. The term WASP stands for white Anglo-Saxon protestant. In Canada, indigenous people have been raising the alarm about the apparent lack of police or government interest in the high rates of missing indigenous women. To address this, one TikTok star named Stephen has been educating people on what its like to be both disabled and gay. James Damore was fired from Google in 2017 after circulating a memo claiming that women had higher levels of neuroticism which made them unsuited for high-stress jobs in engineering. They were considered an unusual voice who used social media, blogs, and YouTube to get around mainstream medias gatekeeping. Conference and Event Planning Don't want to give us your email? Crenshaw expanded on the Collectives theory, stating that in order to understand the oppression of black women, it is necessary to look at the intersection of blackness and womanhood. One of the most powerful, influential theories that have helped us to rethink power and identities in recent years is intersectionality theory. For example, although the percentage of White females earning their college degree continues to outpace White males (51% to 44%), a recent report from The Education Trust found that only 26.6% of Hispanic women graduate college. Neighbors The OE does not provide dedicated funding for these resources. Why Are We Honoring Coretta Scott King on MLK Day? For instance, a black man and a white woman make $0.74 and $0.78 to a white mans dollar, respectively. This combo activity invites participants to deeply engage with privilege and segues into a conversation about the coming out process. Take note of the welcoming or distancing practices of the spaces you frequent. Identity Signs This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. Intersectional feminism is a thought-provoking and rewarding theory to teach. What are Gender Pronouns? I remind them that the purpose of the lecture is to develop a critical consciousness about social issues. As one of the few people of color at her organization, she feels her image was exploited in corporate branding to help her company look more diverse than it really is. The worksheet prompts students to fill in various social identities (such as race, gender, sex, ability disability, sexual orientation, etc.) Keeping this in mind, we can begin to think critically and strategically about how systems intersect and create compounding effects on an individual. White, The Atlantic, 2015. and the unique privileges and oppressions individuals may experience where those identities overlap. This intersectional experience of facing racism in the feminist movement and sexism in civil rights encouraged black women to call for a feminist practice that centralized their lived experiences. Highlighting SGM Persons Living with Disabilities, History of Black Scientists: Ruth Ella Moore & James McCune Smith, Honoring "The Dream" Through Acts of Service and Allyship, How the Past Informs Views on Racial Discrimination, How to Utilize Your Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Intersectionality Part One: Intersectionality Defined, Intersectionality Part Three: Intentional Intersectionality, Intersectionality Part Two: The Workplace, Latinx LGBTQ+ Pride: A Conversation with Dr. Erik Rodriquez. Intersectionality. Crenshaws legal theory has influenced many disciplines and organizations, including institutions of higher education. You can also ask your students to watch Kimberl Crenshaws TED talk from 2016 where she explains why and how intersectionality matters in our social life: Finally, if intersectionality is completely new for your students and you dont want to overwhelm them with a 10,000-word philosophical academic article, you may set them my 3,000-word blog post. It is not a mechanism to turn white men into the new pariahs. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This guide was created by the Social Justice, Equity, and Teaching Transformation Faculty Learning Community (SETT-SU FLC) and Angeline Prichard, Research & Instructional Librarian. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. The defendants argued that they were experiencing the additive effects of both racial and gender discrimination in workplace hiring practices. The information here provides abasicoverview of important considerations related to IntersectionalityIt is crucial that you continue expanding upon this knowledge and look further into the concepts presented that you are unfamiliar with and/or are curious about. The group activity in-class (including its two variants using fictive or real-world cases) and the final end-of-semester self-reflection are ways to encourage students to link their identities with society. For clarification on your employee status, consult the. We encourage all members to seek ways to incorporate inclusive practices into their branches and daily life. The CU Anschutz Central Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (ODEICE) focuses on implementing, centralizing and improving programs and initiatives around diversity and health equity; inclusion and outreach; and community engagement. This stereotype is unsupported by any data, and yet it is a trope rolled out during times of moral panic stirred up by media or ideologues. Over time, I experimented with different ways to introduce intersectional feminism constructively and sensitively in the classroom. Re-thinking intersectionality. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. Charlotte Edith Anderson Monture was a Canadian Indigenous woman. Ive fallen into countless pitfalls, seeing group discussions trigger marginalized students and descend into tears. Ill print out a copy of each case to distribute to the student groups. Warner, & Brown. The families of the women often reject the findings of the police and complain about the over-representation of indigenous women in unresolved missing person cases. This will allow us to expose the inequities inhistory,policies, structures,and lived realities marginalized persons have and continue to endure. Thinking intersectionally can help us identifysubtle dynamicsthat disadvantage some students and advantage others unjustly. Register: https://www.eventbrite . In Britain, they may also be labeled as Chavs (standing for community housed and violent). Ask students to apply Mari Matsudas practice of asking the other question: When I see something that looks racist, I ask, Where is the patriarchy in this? When I see something that looks sexist, I ask, Where is the heterosexism in this? When I see something that looks homophobic, I ask, Where are the class interests in this? Working in coalition forces us to look for both the obvious and non-obvious relationships of domination, helping us to realize that no form of subordination ever stands alone. I talk to students about my passion for critical pedagogy and why I think learning ideas like intersectional feminism matters to help them make a positive impact on the world. Parents The factors these systems are based on include the following: Gender. Now that we have come to the collective agreement that people are comprised of more identities than what meets the eye, we must begin to make an active choice to see one another holisticallyand not what we assume or perceive another person to be. hosted by Kimberl Crenshaw, Video: Kimberl Crenshaw The Urgency of Intersectionality, Video: Kimberl Crenshaw Defines Intersectionality, Race and Feminism: Womens March Recalls the Touchy History, Rethinking Intersectionality by Jennifer C. Nash, Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research by Hae Yeon Choo and Myra Marx Ferree, Intersectionality: Mapping the Movements of a Theory by Devon W. Carbado, Kimberle Crenshaw, Vickie M. Mays, Barbara Tomlinson, Kimberl Crenshaw on Intersectionality: An Interview, There is No Hierarchy of Oppression by Audre Lorde, Social Inequality, Power, and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue by Patricia Hill Collins, (Re)Imagining Intersectional Democracy from Black Feminism to Hashtag Activism by Sarah J. Jackson, On Violence, Intersectionality and Transversal Politics by Patricia Hill Collins, Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Hill Collins, Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism by Patricia Hill Collins, Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory by Patricia Hill Collins, GW is committed to digital accessibility. Favorite example to use is the heterosexism in this see an Intersection between gender disability... Community spaces, and resources identified herein and/or through links to create unique effects and dynamics a range cosmetics! 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