Sarah Lancashire has been praised as 'absolutely phenomenal' and hailed her as a 'GOAT' - one of the greatest actors of all time - following the latest episode of the BBC drama Happy Valley. that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' But is this. J. G. W.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, there are at the gate twelve Fellow Crafts, who wish to be admitted: they say they come with important tidings. It is King Solomon's orders that the several rolls be called, and report made as soon as possible. Let me admonish you, in the most serious manner, in reference to the close of life, that, when the cold winter of death shall have passed, and the bright summer morn of the resurrection appears, the Sun of Righteousness shall descend and send forth His angels to collect our ransomed dead; then, if we are found worthy, by the benefit of his "pass" we shall gain a ready admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides, where we shall see the King In the beauty of holiness, and with him enter into an endless eternity. K. S.--You twelve Fellow Crafts will now go and assist in raising the body. The drawers are rolled up just above the candidate's knees, and both arms are taken out of his shirt-sleeves, leaving his legs and breast bare. but which, he adds, "I can find only twice particularly described. Emergency services are on standby at Sydney airport after a Qantas Airways Ltd flight issued a mayday signal on Wednesday. There was nothing found on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office, by which his body was discovered. SD: Tu It is very singular, that, a man so celebrated as Hiram Abiff was, universally acknowledged as the third most distinguished man then living, and, in many respects, the greatest man in the world, should pass from off the stage of action, in the presence of King Solomon, three thousand three hundred grand overseers, and one hundred and fifty thousand workmen, with whom he had spent a number of years, and with King Solomon, his bosom friend, without any of his numerous confrres even recording his death, or any thing, A Master Masons' Lodge is styled by the Craft the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple," and when the Lodge is opened on this Degree, both points of the compasses are elevated above the square. In the context of the global increase in the rate of cesarean deliveries, with an associated higher morbidity and mortality, this study aimed to investigate the role of maternal age and parity in the cesarean section rate among women in the Hail Region of Saudi Arabia. "Here another guest we bring. One of his companions exclaims: "I am tired, too!" About this time, the twelve Fellow Crafts, who had recanted from their murderous designs, appeared before King Solomon, clothed in white gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledging their premeditated guilt, and, kneeling, implored his pardon. Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. 1. WM: Jachin, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and should Then, by the benefit of the pass--a pure and blameless life--with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, shall we gain ready admission into that Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand Warden forever presides--forever reigns. : Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, inform the Outer Gate Keeper that the Court is now opened. S. W.--Brother Junior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful Master, &c., &c. J. W.--Brethren, you have heard the orders of the Worshipful Master, as communicated to me through the Senior Warden in the west--you will take notice, and govern yourselves accordingly. The Ruffians now return near to the body, when the following conversation takes place: First Ruffian--What shall we do in this case? After calling a few more names, which are responded to by the brethren, he says: "Jubelo! I therefore now demand of you the secrets of a Master Mason! (See page 247.). *, At this point in the text there is an asterisk for a footnote which runs as follows:-. J. D.--To keep off all cowans and eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or repass, except such as are duly qualified and have the Worshipful Master's permission. of an acacia, which easily giving way, excited his curiosity: upon examination they found it to be a grave. But nothing could be seen or heard of him. Accordingly our traditions furnish in stances, both among the Apprentices and Craftsmen, of treachery--violation of sacred pledges--and the commission of actual crime. The brethren now all kneel around the body on one knee. W. M.--Brother Gabe, on receiving further light, you perceive more than you have heretofore. "A few years afterward, on his return to his brethren in Vermont, he stated to them, as I have been credibly informed and believe, that he found in the Western and Southwestern States different systems of lecturing prevailing, and that, upon presenting Gleason's Lectures to them, they were objected to by the different Grand Masters, who would not sanction his lecturing in their respective jurisdictions, unless he would adopt the lectures then in use among them; that, desiring to pursue his occupation there, he learned the different systems of lecturing existing among them, and made use of his newly acquired knowledge under the sanction of the respective Grand Masters." WM: Will you be off or from? (Shakes candidate. A New South Wales state ambulance spokesperson said the service was on standby at the airport after a Qantas flight from New Zealand issued a distress signal. None but he who has visited the Holy of Holies, and travelled the road of peril, can have any conception of the mysteries unfolded in this degree. WM: How will you dispose of it? It is the general belief (and it would be readily inferred from most exposures of Masonry) that a candidate is knocked down with a large setting-maul kept for that purpose, but no reasonably sane person would for one moment entertain any such idea of the ceremony of making a Master Mason. A. S. W.--As the sun rises in the east, to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful Master in the east (here the Master gives three raps (), when all in the Lodge rise to their feet, the Master rising first), to open and govern his Lodge, set the Craft to work, and give them proper instructions. 14.). You will therefore suffer yourself to be again hoodwinked, and kneel where you are, and pray orally or mentally, as you please. The candidate then kneels, and the conductor ties a hoodwink very closely over both eyes, so that he cannot see. the end of man, and of the aspiring hopes of all faithful Masons? "Mortals, now indulge a tear, For Mortality is here: See how wide her trophies wave Oer the slumbers of the grave! violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation.". Amen. (See ACACIA.) 1 (See Note P, page 271.). 6 ) the sign of a Master Mason, which alludes to the penalty of the obligation of a Master Mason. As you are uninstructed, he The room is cleared by removing the altar and lights, and the two large pillars used in the Second Degree. "Further, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word, in any other manner or form than that in which I shall receive it, and then in a low breath. that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence," &c., &c. (See p. Is there a pagan, heathen, or savage nation on the globe that would not be moved on this great occasion, as the trees of the forest are moved by a mighty wind? The body of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was found in a westerly course from the Temple, where our weary brothers sat down to rest and refresh themselves. As the last sound of twelve dies away, the three ruffians cautiously approach the body, and converse among themselves nearly as follows: First Ruffian--Well, we have all met as agreed upon: the question is, what shall we do with the body? Let us emulate his amiable and virtuous conduct, his unfeigned piety to his God, his inflexible integrity to his trust; and as the evergreen that bloomed at the head of the grave be. WM: Has it a name? The second was that of Jubelo, exclaiming: 'Oh! S. D.--From the west, travelling toward the east. A. K. S.--No work laid out--no designs drawn on the trestle-board? How did the Worshipful Master dispose of you? When we take a survey of nature, we view man, in his infancy, more helpless and indigent than the brute creation; he lies languishing for days, months, and years, totally incapable of providing sustenance for himself, of guarding against the attack of the wild beasts of the forest, or sheltering himself from the in-clemencies of the weather. Learn how . W, M.--Is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? shows the penalty of having the throat cut and the tongue ripped out. And finally, the veracity of the legend is completely ignored by a reference to the Holy Scriptures. W. M.--Have you any thing on your desk, Brother Secretary? A. Publication on other sites prohibited. J. D.--Brother Gabe, who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. WM My Brother, the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of a Master Mason is given in this manner raising the hands toward Heaven, your arms forming a square, and lowering them by three At the same time the Senior Warden steps to his stand, and turns up the column on his desk at his right. S. D.--At the left hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. W. M.--The password is right. Upon arriving there they commence to lower it into the grave, as they style it, but in reality only from their shoulders to the floor. 112:1 The system of Freemasonry, as practised in different countries and at different periods, is not uniform on this subject; and I feel so little at liberty to bring forward evidence on such a delicate point, that I am afraid it will he impossible to place it clearly before the brethren. The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". Ruffians (affecting surprise.) 105:1 In the progress of Masonry during the last century the fatal weapons underwent several changes. O Lord my God!!! and sits down near the candidate. Conductor--I did not so receive it, neither can I so impart it. We are told, if we do not find the ruffians we must be punished--put to death, probably. Jubelo!!!" W. M.--And part on the Square; and so let us ever meet, act, and part. On entering the second time, you were received on the angle of the square, which was also explained to you. Phil., p. 309. the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly Why, it is well known that the celebrated artist was living at Tyre many years after the Temple was completed.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 291. The three Fellow Crafts who persisted in their murderous designs, knowing this to be his usual practice, placed themselves at the south, west, and east gates of the inner courts of the temple, and there awaited his return. With the trowel, spread liberally the cement of brotherly love and affection; and, circumscribed by the compass, let us ponder well our words and actions, and let all the energies of our minds and the affections of our souls be employed in the attainment of our Supreme Grand Warden's approbation. S. D--In search of further light in Masonry. what's this?" A blue silk scarf, trimmed with silver, having a blue rosette at the shoulder and hip, is worn from left to right. The brethren commence, in loud voices to inquire of one another: Have you seen any thing of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff? p. 127 It testifies our faith in the resurrection of the body, and while it inculcates a practical lesson of prudence and unshrinking fidelity, it inspires the most cheering hone of that final reward which belongs alone to "just made perfect."--Lexicon. Second Ruffian--We shall be taken and put to death. The ruffians being executed, the brethren all return quietly to the Lodge, when one of them reports, in a loud tone of voice: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, your orders have been duly executed upon the three murderers of Grand Master, Hiram Abiff." By this time they have got near the candidate (who is still lying on the floor, rolled up in the canvas), when one of the party sits down near his head, and at the same time says: "Well, brothers, I am very weary; I must sit down and rest before I can go any farther.". WM: Ha. SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it. Captain--I should be glad of your company. --What is that? --Brother Senior Warden, at the opening of this Lodge you informed me that you were a Master Mason. The 1904 Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry, an Emulation text, tells us that:-, The first part of the t..e-f..d S is called the S. of F., and is given by &c., emblematically to shield the repository of your Ss. The ancient landmarks of the order, intrusted to your care, you are carefully to preserve; and never suffer them to be infringed, or countenance a deviation from the established usages and customs of the fraternity. Both points of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to teach me never to lose sight of those truly Masonic virtues, which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. Conductor--Cain. Third Ruffian, Jubelum, Candidate. Hand to back--that you will ever be ready to stretch forth your hand to assist and save a fallen brother; and that you will vindicate his character behind his back, as well as before his face. S. D.--Brother Junior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified? Jubela!! (Pronounced by conductor--Tubal Cain.). "O Lord, my God! S. D.--Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees? Behold! I hold in my hand an instrument of death; therefore, give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! SD: You begin. A. From the above it appears the last words of Joseph Smith were believed by at least some people who knew him to be the Masonic cry of distress. Your virtue, honor, and reputation are concerned in supporting with dignity the character you now bear. the Book of Constitutions guarded by the Tyler's Sword, the Sword pointing to a Naked Heart, the All-seeing Eye, the Anchor and Ark, the Forty-seventh. The avenues to the Lodge are carefully inspected by the meridian officer, whose knowledge and fidelity have entitled him to the confidence of the brethren, and, after he had publicly proclaimed the security of the Lodge, the business of closing proceeds. [paragraph continues] Lodge, that they having due and timely notice, may govern themselves accordingly. Copyright 1997-2023 by The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SD: Letter or halve it. SD: Place yourself in the proper position to receive it and I will. WM: Syllable it and begin. [paragraph continues] Master's carpet is a large map that Lodges generally keep, which is highly embellished with Masonic emblems). 120:1 Respecting the lost word and its substitute, some say that King Solomon advised the change, while others affirm that the three Fellow Crafts adopted the substituted word without consulting him. When a candidate is The missing word was found, after four hundred and seventy years, and was then, and still is, used in the Royal Arch Degree, as will be seen in the ceremonies of that Degree. In the Adonhiramite Masonry, which was used there about 1787, the doors are not mentioned at all.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 307. WM: From what and to what? M.A. 'The five points of fellowship are--foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. Why had you a cable-tow three times around your body? Three ruffian nations from the south, the west, and the east--the Syrians, the Chaldeans, and the Romans--gave in succession this temporary dispensation its death-blow; those who sought religion through the wisdom of the ancients were not able to raise her; she eluded their grasp, and the polluted hands were also stretched forth in vain for her restoration. I'll hear no more of your cavilling! 17, 18), which is responded to by the Master, after which the conductor and candidate pass out of the Lodge. The Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. A. At the point is a blue rosette, in the centre of which is a silver five-pointed star. W. M. (one rap, Senior Warden rises to his feet.) This sign is made by four motions and by three times three. (Moving off, one says:). Ruffian--This (shaking candidate) does not satisfy me! Jubelum!!!" This action Second Ruffian--Then let us flee into the interior parts of the country, and avoid being taken as long as possible. The MASTER MASON represents a man under the doctrine of love, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation. Third Ruffian--Let us secrete ourselves until night and steal a small boat and put to sea. never--no, never dies. S. W. (rising to his feet and making the sign.) Ruffian--The very port to which we wish to go. They travelled as before, and, after many days of hardships and toil, on their return one of the brethren, more weary than the rest, sat down on the brow of a hill to rest and refresh himself, and on attempting to rise, accidentally caught hold of an acacia, which easily giving way, aroused his curiosity; upon which he hailed his companions, and on examination found it to be a grave. Brother Grand Secretary (turning to the Secretary of the Lodge), you will go out and see to calling the several rolls of the craft, and report to me as soon as possible. The following is the representation of the Master giving candidate the grand Masonic word, or at least this is a substitute, for, ac-cording to Masonic tradition, the right one was lost at the death of Hiram Abiff. S. W. (rising to his feet, and giving the sign of a Master Mason, if opened on that Degree.) (Gives one rap (), when the Junior Deacon, at the inner door of the Lodge, rises to his feet.) Every human being has a claim upon your kind offices. further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. (makes the sign, see Fig. WM: From what and to what? W. M. (looking conductor in the eye.) W. M.--Reading of the present communication. What is that? The Secretary commences to call off a lot of Bible names, to which each brother responds "Here!" K. S.--Vile, impious wretches! FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. and signing your name to the constitution and by-laws--which will then make you a member of this Lodge. for you, will do so at this time. Remember that you have promised to befriend and relieve every brother, who shall need your assistance; you have promised to remind him, in the most friendly manner, of his errors, and, if possible, to aid him in a reformation. But what were our orders? "Mah-Ha-Bone" is the substitute for the Master's Word. of a Fellow Craft. Behold! All these were, classed and arranged in such a manner, by the wisdom of Solomon, that neither envy, discord, nor confusion was suffered to interrupt that universal peace and tranquillity which pervaded the world at that important period." W. M.--Why in the south, and your duty there, Brother Junior? [4], Masons, it is said, were even among the mob that murdered Joseph and Hyrum in Carthage jail. Universal benevolence you are always to cultivate; and, by the regularity of your own behavior, afford the best example for the conduct of others less informed. [5], I am the daughter of a Master Mason [Heber C. Kimball]! (nothing being said, Worshipful Master continues): We will then proceed to close; but, before doing so, I would say to Brother Gabe (the candidate)--Is he present? The exact method of the sign, is closely held by Masons. that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' The Deacon then closes the door, repairs to the centre of the Lodge-room before the altar, and sounds his rod on the floor three times (), which is responded to by the Master with three raps of the gavel, when the Senior Deacon makes the sign of a Master Mason (see Fig. 5, p. Take a handkerchief by the corner with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and raise the hand and handkerchief up on a level with the right shoulder. Is there no hope for the widow's son? : youth, man-hood, and age. Jubelo! ii. The Senior Warden then takes the candidate's right hand, giving the real grip of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, have you any alterations or additions to make to the minutes? [Demonstrates] This sign was actually given during World War II when a U-boat captain was about to torpedo an American ship dead in the water.. 2022. By being divested of all metals and minerals, neither naked nor clothed; barefoot nor shod; hoodwinked; a cable-toe three times around my body; left foot; both knees and both breast bare; clothed as a Fellow Craft; in which condition I was conducted to a door and caused to give three distinct knocks. we must not go and report ourselves; if we do, the twelve will be put to death. (Clinches candidate more fiercely.) WM: Will you give it to me? A. 2. and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip and pass-word They were both Masons in good standing. Granted, more modern forms of equipment have replaced this method. A. Brother A. Ma. Explanation of the Entered Apprentice sign: Draw the right hand rapidly It is my orders that you be taken without the gates of the court, and be executed, according to your several imprecations, in the clefts of the rocks. The Senior Deacon steps to the altar, takes the compasses, repairs to the door, opens it, and says: S. D.--Let him enter, and be received in due form. (Cand and WM are placing themselves that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence, and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I. Ah! They now retire from the body, in different directions. What is that? The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. It is done by putting the inside of your right foot to the inside of the right foot of the one to whom you are going to give the word, the inside of your own knee to his, laying your breast close against his, your left hands on each other's back, and each one putting his mouth to the other's right ear. Q. WM: How will you dispose of it? A fellow mason will act on the sign of distress, AS WELL AS, hearing the words that would typically accompany the sign, if the sign cannot be given. W. M.-- Why in the west, and your duty there, Brother Senior? Suspicious characters! MASTER GIVING THE GRAND MASONIC WORD ON THE FIVE POINTS OF FELLOWSHIP. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master Masons' Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a regularly constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. Approaching the candidate, another replies: "Yes, this is the place; let us remove the rubbish and dig down here. ", Our cause is just; let us rush in and seize them.". The Mason firmly grasps the right hand of a fellow Mason. When the candidate is prepared, the Deacon takes him by the left arm, leads him up to the door of the Lodge, and gives three loud, distinct knocks. He directed me to the Senior Warden in the west, and he to the Worshipful Master in the east, where the same questions were asked, and like answers returned as before. Sec.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, the several rolls have been called, and reports made, by which it appears that three Fellow Crafts are missing, namely, Jubela, .Jubelo, and Jubelum, who, from the similarity of their names, I presume are brothers, and men from Tyre. 47. You should always remember it, for should you be present at the opening No! WM: N Q. They returned and bore this information to King Solomon, who ordered them to disguise themselves and travel as before, with positive instructions to find the ruffians and with as positive assurance that, if they did not, they twelve should he deemed the murderers, and suffer severely for the crime committed. They present the jewel to the Master, who, on examination of it, says: "This is the jewel of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; there can be no longer any doubt as to the identity of the body.". Where is our good Master Joseph and Hyrum? Give me the pass-grip of Let no motive, there-fore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebrated artist whom you this evening represent. Heretofore you have had some one to pray for you, but now you have none. A. King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow Crafts to go in search of the body, and, if found, to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about it. It is my orders that strict search be made for him through the apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made. SD: From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass-grip 1 (See p. W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Secretary? "Further, that I will not knowingly strike a brother Master Mason, or otherwise do him personal violence in anger, except in the necessary defence of my family or property. (They all kneel.). Takes the candidate by the "real grip" of a Fellow Craft, and says. SD: Worshipful Master. "Further, that I will not have illegal carnal intercourse with a Master Mason's wife, his mother, sister, or daughter, nor suffer the same to be done by others, if in my power to prevent. A. This Degree has a reference to the Christian dispensation, when the day of salvation is more fully revealed; atonement is made for sin; and the resurrection from the dead plainly communicated and confirmed by the resurrection of Christ from the grave. This reference to Jeremiah, where the prophet denounced the curse of the Lord upon the Princes and rulers who had broken the covenant which they had made with King Zedekiah, may explain the self-imposed penalty of J------ (Jubelum)." W. M.--Why in the east, and his duty there? There is a lecture to this Degree, as well as in the other Degrees, but it is not generally given by the Master to the candidate on the night of his "raising." We will carry the body a westerly course from the Temple to the brow of the hill west of Mount Moriah, where I have dug a grave due east and west, six feet perpendicular.
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