This portion is as a reestablishment of the law and how to live according to the law. assignments. God is free to judge, and he is equally free to be gracious. Look! Something like this has happened before. Then they shall know that I am the Lord. (38:2223), Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Russia as it beefed up its military presence in Syria. It also suggests that it should not be done alone. Much of the verse is written in the style of a vision, detailing message to the people of Judea. If He does choose, it is based on goodness, The description of the Book of Revelation as the strangest book of the New Testament could be the reason for the general neglect that is afforded it today. [1] According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet Ezekiel, exiled in Babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571BCE, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very words of the prophet.[2]. The prophet Jeremiah, who remained in Jerusalem during that time, tried to warn the Jewish People to repent of their idol worship and wickedness or face destruction and captivity. Ezekiel appears only briefly in the Dead Sea Scrolls, but his influence there was profound, most notably in the Temple Scroll with its temple plans, and the defence of the Zadokite priesthood in the Damascus Document. This is the law of the temple: all the surrounding area on top of the mountain will be most holy, such is the law of the temple. Ezekiel wasnt the first man to see Yahwehs glory cloud. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing Preface and glimpse of the spirit world. 3.9K views, 177 likes, 38 loves, 20 comments, 75 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lion and Lamb Ministries: Join Monte as he looks at the visions given to the #prophet #Ezekiel. While respected minds differ, a good case can be made that Magog is in fact the modern nation of Russia. He was a humble servant, he stood before his Master ready to do whatever He had for him. The book moves on to anticipate the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, explains this as God's punishment, and closes with the promise of a new beginning and a new Temple. The visions of Ezekiel on the New Jerusalem; . This captivity would be followed by a prophesied second captivity in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar fully destroyed Solomons Temple and besieged Jerusalem. Through supernatural signs and fulfilled prophecies, such as the regathering and restoration of the Jewish People back into their own land, supernatural protection, and victories against outnumbered armies, it seems the nations should realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is real. The prophet is so overcome by the vision that he falls on his face. Get expert help in mere In chapter 1 of the book named after Ezekiel, God gave the prophet a glimpse of the spirit realm, which serves God in accomplishing His will. If that were not enough to take on, the Old Testament comes our way through multiple styles of authorship and formats, including but not limited to, books of history, law, proverbs, ethics, philosophy, treatises, dramas, songs, epics, biographies, and letters. Ezekiel encountered God through extraordinary visions full of metaphor and symbology that have produced much speculation over the millennia, yet God also conveyed His message to the People of Israel through Ezekiel very clearly: Repent! 28:12; Ps. When he did that, the flesh reappear on these bodies. The Lord allowed Ezekiel to have visions of which he traveled through, and heard the voice of the Lord. However, as mentioned above, he was a faithful servant. Yet the glory isnt in the temple. The veil that once separated the people from Gods Divine Presence in the Holy of Holies was torn down when Yeshua (Jesus) conquered sin and death. For an informed reading of Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12. In chapter 8 Ezekiels vision starts out and talks about false values. As well, Russia, Iran, and Syria share a joint intelligence command center in Iraq to carry out their united war against ISIS. In this vision Ezekiel saw four brilliant, powerful angels in action . In Ezekiel, though, the movement is the opposite. The body of Amasis' mummified flesh was burned, and the ashes were spread on the mountains where it was cremated. However in the Hebrew Bible, it is seen after 2 Kings, which A.S. Herbert states is a more natural order since this prophet [Isaiah] was deeply involved in the historical events of his day and gave a distinctive interpretation of these events (1973:1). The Old Testament portion of the Bible, notably the most difficult portion of the Bible for most to study and follow, yields 39 books from multiple authors, and spans over 4000 years of crucial world and church history. Something went wrong. Ezekiel 40:2. Can an utterly rebellious nation against God be redeemed? Instead of affecting change through Gods righteousness, they were swept away by the sins of the nations and worshiped idols and sacrificed their own children in the fire. They have a human form (Ezek. God made these people His and they are turning from Him. Ezekiel Chapter 1. [1] The book's literary influence can be seen in the later apocalyptic writings of Daniel and Zechariah. In 597, following a rebellion against Babylon, Ezekiel was among the large group of Judeans taken into captivity by the Babylonians. The four plagues Chapter 5 Chapter 6:1-8 4. Important Vision #2: Ezekiel 8-11. But if you warn the righteous person not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning, and you will have delivered your soul. (3:1821). In the Old Testament, the heavens typically open so Yahweh can rain his blessings on Israel (Deut. [22], As a priest, Ezekiel is fundamentally concerned with the Kavod YHWH, a technical phrase meaning the presence (shekhinah) of YHWH (i.e., one of the Names of God) among the people, in the Tabernacle, and in the Temple, and normally translated as "glory of God". The book is first of the major prophets, so called due to its greater length than the shorter minor prophets or twelve prophets. To bookmark your articles to Read Later - please sign in. I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates, to seize spoil and carry off plunder [among] the people who were gathered from the nations., Bibles for Israel and the Messianic Bible Project, egathering and restoration of the Jewish People. Four living creatures appear from the whirlwind. Ezekiels directional indications may seem extraneous, but they hint at connections with other four-corner arrangements in the Bible. For instance, if Ezekiel did not warn a righteous person about committing iniquity, God said that person shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood I will require at your hand. But the Lord does tell us that these disconnected and utterly dried out bones that Ezekiel tours are the Jewish people (37:11), who had been living with seemingly no hope of redemption or a Promised Land of their own since the time of the Babylonian exile. What can it mean, but Holy Spirit? Ghisi's engraving illustrates Ezekiel's vision of the Apocalypse. John was a Christian leader of Jewish origin who was in exile on the Roman prison island of Patmos. He was exiled to Babylon in 597 BC, and his ministry began five years later when he was 30 years old. Are these. The very place where Ezekiel saw the visions was the place where Satan instigated the greatest rebellion against God among the fallen people. Amid the silence, God speaks, I will rain down on [Gog], on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Download Full Size Image. He allows the total dismemberment of Israels political and religious life so that her renewed life and his presence with her will be clearly seen as a gift from the Lord of the universe. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. Ezekiel also prophesied the coming destruction, but he focused his efforts on telling the Israelites why God was exiling them and how they could get right with the Lord again. It doesnt take Ezekiel up to heaven; it brings heaven to earth. He also sees the man with the writers inkhorn who marks the foreheads of the faithful ones. The parallels among these different structures are suggestive. The chariot can rise from the earth (Ezek. A long passage with much detail, Ezekiel describes his first word from the Lord. [26], Previous prophets had used "Israel" to mean the northern kingdom and its tribes; when Ezekiel speaks of Israel he is addressing the deported remnant of Judah; at the same time, however, he can use this term to mean the glorious future destiny of a truly comprehensive "Israel". Although they have all sinned greatly against Him, it is His heart to have them serving Him again. Ezekiel was obedient to the visions and listened to. This captivity would be followed by a prophesied second captivity in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar fully destroyed Solomons Temple and, shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood I will require at your hand. Ezekiel glimpses the interior of the throne room because Yahweh is about to invite him to take his place among the living creatures. A Jewish man purchases groceries in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. In other words, Israel is surrounded by prophesied enemies, not only those revealed in Ezekiel 38 but also Psalm 83. 28:18). The first major vision can be found in Ezekiel 1:4-28. But Yahwehs glory also appears as a four-cornered sanctuary, as the four-faced nation of Israel, as a four-man royal entourage. That end-time structure is yet to be built, but with the number of end-time prophecies concerning a resurrected Israel currently in the process of being fulfilled, we can be certain that this time is close at hand. [25] The process of purification begins, God prepares to leave, and a priest lights the sacrificial fire to the city. I was by the Kebar River among the people who had been Above the heads of the cherubim is an expanse, a firmament gleaming like ice (Ezek. Ezekiel 1-33. The various dates given in the book suggest that Ezekiel was 25 when he went into exile, 30 when he received his prophetic call, and 52 at the time of the last vision c.571. 1:19), but the wheels are on the earth (Ezek. 40:3435). The main theme running through Isaiah is the message of salvation, even the name of the prophet means salvation of Yahweh. A Flemish enamel depicting Ezekiel 9, a vision in which those who grieved Israels sin had their foreheads marked in order to save them from Divine punishment for sins. Take part in TGCs Read the Bible initiative, where were encouraging Christians and churches to read together through Gods Word in a year. Ezekiel 1 was chosen as the haftarah for the first day of Shavuot, [1] as it picks up on the theme of divine revelation, which is what the festival celebrates. Each creature is accompanied by a wheel. Mostly, Israel saw Yahwehs glory from a distance and from the outside; Moses didnt record a description of the interior. We may be tempted to think that David-plus-three-mighty-men form a human replica of the glory, and then we might recall that Jesus, the son of David, also has his three: Peter, James, and John. The "throne vision", in which Ezekiel sees God enthroned in the Temple among the Heavenly Host; The first "temple vision", in which Ezekiel sees God leave the Temple because of the abominations practiced there (meaning the worship of idols rather than YHWH, the official God of Judah; Images of Israel, in which Israel is seen as a harlot bride, among other things; The final temple vision, in which Ezekiel sees the third temple commonwealth centered around a new temple in Jerusalem, to which God's, This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 16:27. The visions, and the book, are structured around three themes: (1) Judgment on Israel (chapters 124); (2) Judgment on the nations (chapters 2532); and (3) Future blessings for Israel (chapters 3348). The student is to summarize Youngbloods basic approach to the OT and, in this process, reflect on the way in which the story develops through each of the topics outlined in his work (identify the relationship between the different topics)., Ch. Gods wrath and judgment against His unfaithful bride is not the only theme in Ezekiel. And so, throughout Christianity, individuals have stepped up to the, One day in about the year 95 A.D., a man named John had a vision from heaven. In T. Longman III & D. E. Garland (Eds. Ezekiels vision will be fulfilled some day; only time will tell if todays scenario in the Middle East is a direct precursor to it. 2). 48:2). and set me on my feet--that he might stand as a servant before his master, to receive orders. Furthermore, the Lord gives instructions to Ezekiel to tell the Israelites that it is time to rebuild Gods house. Each cherub has four facesthe face of a bull, a lion, an eagle, and a man (Ezek. 1:1). These visions can even be applied today in the modern day church and show how much God loves His people despite repetitive sin. The chariot is the original glory of God, and the world itself is modeled after the pattern of this glory. Ezekiel is brought to a valley of dry bones and the Lord asks him to prophesy of the dry bones. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. (2:1-2) We find that the prophet was so penetrated with awe at the sight of the glory of God in the mystical chariot, that he fell upon his face; and, while he was in this posture of adoration, he heard the voice mentioned here. There will be a deluge of rain, and you, O great hailstones, will fall, and a stormy wind break out. (13:1011). Retrieved from, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The physical restoration will take place. [29], Ezekiel's imagery provided much of the basis for the Second Temple mystical tradition in which the visionary ascended through the Seven Heavens in order to experience the presence of God and understand His actions and intentions. In application to my life, I think that the biggest lesson one can learn is how to submit to the Lord and listen to His voice no matter what it is saying. Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Ezek. His stern judgments on Israel ultimately reflect his grace. The region has split into two kingdoms, the Assyrian empire is closing in around them and the death of Jeroboam II of Israel (745 BC) and the death Uzziah of Judah (742) ended a time of peace, security and prosperity for both states. [5] Now, in the book of Ezekiel, there is not much, if any, information on how Israel responded or how Ezekiel shared these prophecies. This last section has extreme detail of the temple and how it should be built. Opposing Gay Marriage May Seem like a Lost Cause. ", "The Gog and Magog Tradition in Ezekiel 20:8", International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, English Translation of the Greek Septuagint Bible: Ezekiel, Do the Palestinians Descend from the Philistines? He showed himself to prophets like Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David. The genre of the book is mainly of a prophetic nature, with a mixture of oracles, prophesies and reports of the situation in Judah; however it does deviate from this, most notably in chapter 13, where it takes the form of a supposed psalm. Where is Israel in this process of resurrection? Order custom essay The Visions of Ezekiel biblica. The pendulum swung back in the post-war period, with an increasing acceptance of the book's essential unity and historical placement in the Exile. Ezekiel was obedient to the visions and listened to Gods voice and what He instructed him to do, no matter what the consequence was or how strange, terrifying, weird the message may have been for Israel. As much as I knew this before, I think it is far too easy to assume that because you may not visually see God doing and working things out in your life, that He does not care or exist. Notably, Ezekiel blames the Babylonian exile not on the people's failure to keep the Law, but on their worship of gods other than Yahweh and their injustice: these, says Ezekiel in chapters 811, are the reasons God's Shekhinah left his city and his people. [24], Ezekiel depicts the destruction of Jerusalem as a purificatory sacrifice upon the altar, made necessary by the "abominations" in the Temple (the presence of idols and the worship of the god Tammuz) described in chapter 8. 9. The vision of the whirlwind. The book of Revelation is John's record of that vision (Revelation 1:9-11). Why will you die, people of Israel? The information contained in this report was obtained from various websites, such as, and, God used people to speak his words for him. initiative, where were encouraging Christians and churches to read together through Gods Word in a year. The Dry Bones. This Temple is associated with the coming Messianic Age. This is the heart of the vision. God uses Ezekiel's six visions to teach us important lessons: The Vision of God (The Vision of the Throne-Chariot and Living Creatures). [31] To take just two well-known passages, the famous Gog and Magog prophecy in Revelation 20:8 refers back to Ezekiel 3839,[32] and in Revelation 2122, as in the closing visions of Ezekiel, the prophet is transported to a high mountain where a heavenly messenger measures the symmetrical new Jerusalem, complete with high walls and twelve gates, the dwelling-place of God where His people will enjoy a state of perfect well-being. And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet and I will speak unto thee. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974) is a book by Josef F. Blumrich (March 17, 1913 - February 10, 2002) about a spaceship that was supposedly observed by the prophet Ezekiel, written while the author was chief of NASA's systems layout branch of the program development office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. This is in marked contrast to the Deuteronomistic writers, who held that the sins of the nation would be held against all, without regard for an individual's personal guilt. 1:22), and above the expanse, Ezekiel sees a lapis lazuli throne, occupied by a figure like a man made of fire and metal (Ezek. A voice from the throne revives him (Ezek. This is not for her sake alone, but to make sure the nations do finally see that He is the one, true, holy and sovereign God of the universe. published on 27 September 2018. And their appearance and their workmanship was like a wheel . In addition, general information and also my personal view are added to this report respecting to the book of Revelation with the goal to make the information more understandable and accessible to all readers. b. Behold, the glory of the LORD stood there: Once again, Ezekiel had a vision similar to that which he experienced in Ezekiel 1. i. Sadly, only a small percentage of the worlds population seems to realize that it is God who has done these great things. 1:15). Ezekiel was a prophet to the exiles who were living in captivity in Babylo. 2:1, 3, 8; 3:1, 3, 4, 10; etc.). As God gives this message to His people, through Ezekiel, I think that Ezekiel also senses this great love for a disobedient people. So, we can see that Isaiah is writing in a time of great conflict and insecurity, which increased throughout his prophetic life, ending in the unavoidable conquering of the small Judean kingdom by the Assyrian empire., The first 39 books of the larger work called the Bible, is called the Old Testament.
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