He enjoys the dynamic, sometimes tapping at his cheek as a gesture for you to bend over and kiss him there. DIVORCED?! The piglin nodded rapidly puffing out their little cheeks, your heart melted in your chest. Idly, he turns down the burner and sinks into your touch. Its more comfortable than standing in the middle of the living room. He huffed at the voices mentally flipping them off, before lifting his hand and placing it on the top of your head. You understood why, you were half blaze- its a scary sight at first, but for some reason the man with the pink hair was kneeling beside you trying to speak. You simply scold the smaller creatures, laughing when they sink back, He introduces you to Micheal after a while, enjoying the fact that you both get along. I hope you enjoy the story! Leave a mark, leave many! Now it was your turn to flush and he smirked devilishly, "I'm glad you like what you see." Your ears flick, snow falling off of your form, You lean against the door struggling to take off your boots, tugging harshly at coats, scarfs and pieces of fabric roughly. SHE'D NEVER! If you think he was protective before, oh boy. He enjoys how playful you are, so it is not unexpected the two of you become friends, He will want to fly around with you, but cant keep up with how small his wings are, Youll have to carry him sometimes, and although he will complain at first, he really does enjoy it, He might grumble about your height being taller than him, blaming your dragon genes essentially. You basically become a backpack, carrying all the supplies and redstone in your extra inventory, If you ever feel bad about the shulker like freckles, Sam will try to make you feel better. Oddly enough, Technoblade was having difficulty finding anyone to trade with him, they'd huff and tell him to get lost in piglin and that rubbed him the wrong way. His mind tells him to walk away, not wanting to deal with a strangers problems. Much to Techno's relief they all looked unhappy with the development and walked away from you, to which you pouted at, "You scared them away you big grump.". He enjoys seeing you wear what he makes, He doesnt care about sparring or training with you, it isnt his thing. We know how I feel about those," He pointed a finger in your direction, you rolled your eyes dramatically. Techno asked and I smiled but quickly tried to hide it. - abusive boyfriend x pregnant reader. "Thank you, for all you do for me." Descriptions are really hard to write yk. Descriptions are really hard to write yk. could i request a hybrids x cat!hybrid reader, and their reaction to them purring for the first time- like its been a long day or theyre just super relaxed and start to purr from their warmth or cuddles or something ckebckdbc; also, could i be anon? Aether looked like he was holding onto every word, "We treat (Y/n) with respect she deserves understand? Cuddling was almost nonexistent until he was more comfortable, Now youre purring while latching onto him. He let out a few grunts of protest trying to attack Technoblade's hand as he dragged him into your shared home. After a while of me edging him I finally decided I'd give him what he wanted. "Yeah bubs," You whispered tenderly walking over to the edge of the bed, "he figured it was time to head out." Work Search: It was a bit tangled and didn't feel as soft as it usually did, he was sick of it. the mcyts reaction to finding out their s/o is pregnant + this is a reaction to if you had been wanting to get pregnant, and that you and the specific mcyt had been wanting this for a while. He gritted his teeth and snarled deeply, the first thing he noticed was bright pink piglin ears, popping out of his bag, then a bright red poppy. Older!Ciel X Pregnant!Fem!Reader Losing Sleep - DeviantArt. It made Techno and the voices preen in delight as he pushed you against the wall of your bathroom, his big hands sliding up the bottom of your shirt. They made their way over to you, clearly eyeing you and assessing that you werent a threat. It caught him by surprise when it first happened, as some grey smoke left your body. It isnt the most effective strategy, and youll still get some small burns from being out in the sun. he is never leaving your side unless he has too, after the events of the festival, his right wing is damage to the point he cant fly anymore, he moped for days, over the loss of his son and his wing, if your wings are large enough, youll take him on flights again holding him in your arms, he becomes more protective over you, worried about you losing your wings, hell follow you around, killing any mob that tries to hurt you unless you stop him, expect plenty of hugs with his wings wrapping around both of your bodies, cuddles are difficult because laying with wings is never comfortable but youll find a way, the time you have together is cherished since he is usually busy helping technoblade, early mornings are spent with him brushing through your feathers lazily, he isnt the best at paying attention, it actually took tommy to make a comment about asecond furry for him to notice, if you simply have ears and a tail (like a cat or dog hybrid) he is still happy to meet you, however if youre a fox hybrid, excitement x 100, if he finds anything shiny, hes def giving it to you, youre both more likely to stay up late at night, when that happens youll just spend time together lazing about, if you agree to it, hell touch your ears and tail, it must feel great because in seconds youre leaning into his touch, constant affection while being around you, hugs, holding hands, compliments, everything, tommy and the others will totally make more furry comments but even they can tell how much happier he is, although he wont show it, he is a little happy to see another person with horns, his ego will rise so high if his horns are larger, he really wont show any affection in public, not only because he has a reputation to uphold but because his position as president, expect smaller gestures like checking up on your day, ruffling your hair or bringing you food, if it is just the two of you then maybe hell be more affectionate, if youre not paying attention to him hell headbutt you gently with his horns, however if you want his attention, grabbing onto his horns and tugging will guarantee he looks over, lazy day together? "Anything you desire," He gently rubbed his chin against your cheek and your nose scrunched up at the feeling. I can't hear you gotta fight it to protect you. He loves seeing you slice through the air so easily, He thinks the way your eyes glow is so striking. If you do end up getting hurt, hell apologize right away, shoving plenty of golden apples at you, Ranboo goes mining a lot, so if theres any gemstones youd like he will try to find them, If you can make weapons or other items but it hurts you in the process, well hell be upset if you go through with it. Your whole family breaks your heart. "You like that?" His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, you both were sitting on a small cot by the fire. "Think about what?" (PLATONIC RE Technoblade's been fighting in the stadium (dubbed The Pit) since he was 4yrs old. "Miscommunication!" Not for long, youre inspecting it. "Hey, buddy, what's going on huh?". So, levitating is really the only way he can experience the breeze in his face again, He also likes the floating aspect of it, being able to relax while midair. However, no one knew that there was another. Although he doesnt appreciate the obscure amount of phantoms resting around his house, Even if they are your friends, he might grumble and try to shoo them away. I said and grabbed my water and walked to my room, Techno followed close behind, laughing at my comment. ooh and the teleportation. 13. He knows that you trust him and feel relaxed enough around him to purr, which makes his heart soar. He thinks that he doesnt deserve you already and this affection hammers that more into his head, But, then Wilbur is patting his back in congratulations and Slime is rambling happily. You try to say that its nothing but with a glare, you finally give in, Its been a long day for you and everything seems to be going wrong. 12. Want to test a weapon made of gemstones? Youre touching almost any object placed in front of you, whether you notice it or not, He thinks its kinda adorable and wont scold you for grabbing things, unless they are very important, More often than not, if he loses something, hell ask if you know where it is, Ranboo will want to introduce you to his other hybrid friends, hoping you will all get along. Aether began to run his hands over his gold rings, "You like my rings?" Betrayed / Technoblade x Reader Fanfiction. Quackity: Happy. Reader, I was reincarnated in a alternative universe as a villain(ess), Partner (Technoblade x Child/Reader) DreamSMP *Platonic. Once you finally tell him, Fundy will disappear for a few days, He finally shows up, a bunch of gemstones matching the one you are in his arms. Soon enough you run over too, You practically tackle him, dragging him into a hug as Fran runs around you both. "We can re-purpose Tommy's old room! He threw them to the floor once they were off. But after a while, he started to realize how special you are. Technoblade, also known as Techno, is the twenty-third member of the Dream SMP, joining on September 22, 2020. Technoblade nipped at your mouth, his tusks brushing against your upper lip, and you made a soft sound in the back of your throat when you felt them make contact. You can be a patron, giving a portion of your power to a bloody and merciless soul. You had to cover your mouth to stop an excited squeal from leaving your mouth, both your boys were cuddling on the bed, Technoblade's crown was slipping off Aether's head. This is not a romantic A Special Kid - Technoblade x Child!Abused!Reader {Dream SMP} (Platonic, Gender Neutral), Curse of the End (a mute kid x technoblade), Alexithymia: Minecraft Youtubers x Reader x Dream SMP, DreamSMP x Reader (Drabbles, Oneshots, Headcannons, etc. His heart stopped in his chest, you were just too cute and domestic, "meat and potatoes?" He came out a few moments later clad in his new outfit, in the meantime, Technoblade sat on the edge of his bed. Especially since you have such high defense as a shulker hybrid, he knows you can take a hit or two, If you dont want to do that, hes more than fine with relaxing together, Maybe exploring woodland mansions and stealing the books from there for reading back home, Hell end up loaning a lot of his unused clothes to you since yours rip so often. What happened after that? The purring calms him down almost instantly, maybe its instinct, maybe its because it is you. You lean away from him, confused by the sound and expecting him to be upset, Hes just as confused as you, no worries. Phil, shes awake! If you can teleport with him, by holding onto him, he will want to try it at least once. C!Technoblade: When you told him he was very scared. Content Warning: Itty Bitty Spice Ahead! "Bubs?" Wow, thats unheard of. He ruffled the top of your head and flew up the ladder swiftly. He believed that with the help of his old friend, Philza, he could escape the dark parts of his past and finally start a new. He watched you side-eyed him, giving him a very clear dirty look, "He doesn't have a name either." But, he probably will just watch silently waiting to get back to his reading, But, if you offer to spar with him with weapons made from your gems, he will be very interested. "Please baby. Just like your big warrior husband he snuggled against your hand. when he meets a girl and makes a promise, will he remember it? I chastised. He was trapped underneath a sleeping child, he awkwardly tried to maneuver Aether off himself but the kid had a strong grip on his chest. Can you do the hybrids x hybrid reader expect the reader is a mythical creature? You cut him off, seeing as he was rambling. Jumping up and down. You purr louder at the gesture, mouth parting slightly to show off your fangs. You flipped Technoblade off as he slid down the ladder into the basement. He used his other hand to push my leg to the side, exposing me and brought his spit dripping fingers down and pushed them through my slit, landing on my clit and making small circles. Sure, its cool and different but that doesnt change the fact that youre just another person. :D I wanted to request something similar like the headcannos that you made about the sheep!hybrid reader but with a bear!hybrid anyways I love your blog!! You chased after him once you came to that realization, "Technoblade!". Idk, Its been a year. Is afraid they he might hurt you or the baby. But after a while, he started to realize how special you are. The sound becomes one of his favorites, and he longs to hear it after a rough day, After a long day at the prison, Sam is ready to just collapse on the couch. finding hybrids is rare, but one that also has wings?? Most of this is based on the cannon Dream SMP but I do take some creative liberty's :3. He joked. He rushed you back home, tending to your wounds afterwards. Reader, I was reincarnated in a alternative universe as a villain(ess), Partner (Technoblade x Child/Reader) DreamSMP *Platonic. Nobody's POV: He has a great laugh about that until you get him a purse, He likes to learn about your abilities as a shulker hybrid but he wont force you to show him, He enjoys counting all the shulker-spots you have, thinking theyre adorable. itll be spent polishing each others horns, trying to lay together or hug without the horns getting in the way is difficult, occasional head bumps followed by laughter, if you really want to cuddle itll have to be spooning to avoid hitting horns, complain about him not showing affection? (PLATONIC RE Technoblade's been fighting in the stadium (dubbed The Pit) since he was 4yrs old. This time he laughed. "This is not funny!" Philza blinks owlishly, looking down at you curiously. Perhaps seeing the strength of your gem, or if you can handle certain environmental conditions, He really doesnt think much of your abilities. "Birth control." "Eh? I hope youve been good and are happy doing what you do now. He asked in rough piglin, which to anyone listening would just sound like grunts and squeals. Essentially a built in self-defense mechanism, He is absolutely amazed, since he cant teleport even as an enderman hybrid. But, they sound familiar so Schlatt heads in that general direction, Sure enough, youre around the corner huddled against a wall. technoblade x reader oneshots and headcannons - Bebesaur08 - Wattpad Wattpad scheduled for offline maintenance On Tuesday, January 10 between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM UTC (5:00 - 7:00 AM EST), Wattpad will be down for 2 hours to perform a database upgrade, in an effort to improve stability and performance issues. Not physically, of course, but if you saw him out of bed you'd usher him back in with whatever bribes that were needed to convince. If you kiss his mask, since you cant kiss his cheeks without him taking it off, his heart will practically combust. I asked, copying his words from earlier. It could be an orphan. It took so long for him to become friends with you, even longer for the relationship to progress. Until your friend group decided it would be a great idea to audition as one of the viewer teams for the Minecraft Championship. Your whole family breaks your heart. The others find amusement in the silly antic, sometimes leaving cats sitting around your shared house, He feels bad that you cant really travel outside during the day, without getting slightly burnt. You reached out to him, hands falling on the back of his neck, chest heaving deeply. i was thinking about it and maybe they have like shulker shell armor on the outside of their arms plus their regular outfit (fucker probs cant get clothes on without ripping them lol). Even if you dont need the protection, Youre quite sociable as a bear hybrid, clinging to him unknowingly. After all this time spent with you, hes never heard you purr. He isnt the strongest person so he isnt too confident about protecting you either. like, for example, jade, euclase, red diamond, spinel, Amethyst, emerald, etc etc and they also act like an actual gem? "(Y/n) and Phil got you some stuff so open the bag and check so I can leave.". He already knows most things they do, so he isnt too surprised that you inherit some of their abilities or follow the same instincts, He spends most of his time awake at night, so you can normally spend it with him. When choosing to move to a land of snow and ice, Techno thought his life would finally be quiet. He will rub your ears while you sleep, enjoying how you push into his touch unconsciously, If he is in a really playful mood, he will try to pinch your tail. well, you heard what I said to Phil, but I just wanted to make one point clear. Purple Guy x Pregnant! a techno x child reader for all of his fans, R.I.P, technoblade, this is in your memory. Steve, the polar bear Techno adopted, grunted as he felt Technoblade move. "He better not be," Technoblade said as if to promise himself that he would not get attached to the piglin in your arms that looked so much like your son it filled him with warmth. Technoblade was understandably not happy with this development, but the brides always seemed to work, if they didn't you'd pull out the big guns. Until your friend group decided it would be a great idea to audition as one of the viewer teams for the Minecraft Championship. You were on a nice cotton bed with food lying on the table beside you. If he finds out youre being reckless he might even scold you, He really doesnt care. But, it isnt nothing he cant treat later, He figured youd show more affection with your wings. Phil threw the bag at you and you caught it in your arms, still snickering. You blinked looking up at him, "do you mean- oh Jesus Technoblade I'm not going to kidnap a child.". Your tail sways calmly, occasionally brushing against his own. Y/N was a very charismatic person with a passion for theatre. As Technoblade walked over to the mailbox and opened it, inside was a deep scarlet letter with a seal on the front. You giggled softly as you both walked towards the Nether, his tail was wrapped around your waist as he glared at anything with a pulse. yes, Ill stay here if you guys are sure thats what you want, I cant thank you enough, you said. Also this is like the first time I've written smut so don't come at me if it's bad! Actually, dont answer that, this is the third time and im a different anon bUT-, Can you do the hybrids x hybrid reader but the reader is a Yokai? But, he stops when he sees the corners of you mouth twitch, In seconds, youre laughing, wings fluttering behind you, You are the one to apologize now, saying that it was too fun to see his reaction. The loud thud of someone banging on the wooden entrance of your house woke you up, as usual, but this time you didn't seem to have the urge to hop out of the cold bedsheets. Well thats a story for another time, Oh, what the fuck are you? He cant stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth, his hands slapping his forehead after realizing what he said, You are certainly a hybrid of some sort, but, Large wings stretch across your back and a tail swings behind you, Sapnap is quick to slap the back of his head, as Karl apologizes for his friends behavior, You dont seem too offend, throwing back an insult immediately then explain that youre part griffin, A strange creature with an eagles wings and a lions tail, He is intrigued, but will still make jokes about your looks, If you show obvious dislike for his teasing, he will stop right away, But he will die inside if you bite back similar jokes with attitude, His wings will automatically puff out, causing his friends to tease him endlessly, You two can become friends fairly quickly over the winged features, It may be awkward at first, but his stumbling over words eases up the situation, He doesnt dare to tease you about your tail, finding that it gives away how you feel, You may grumble at him, but he can see your tail wagging when he arrives or makes you laugh, Arguably, it is his favorite feature about you, You just arrived back home after a long day completing various tasks. So don't get all frowny at me, okay? He was shivering a little not used to the drastic temperature change. "Fine. That thought intermixed with the wishes of the voices, you a mother? He let the water cascade down his face, it stung his fresh wound but it felt good to finally feel clean and fresh. He smiled softly as the smell of food wafted through the house from downstairs. I said under my breath. Aether huffed puffing out his cheeks and Technoblade grumbled reluctantly placing the crown on his head, it was far too big for his little skull as it slipped past his forehead. "We should do some trading in the Nether, before you say no, it's an easy enough adventure where I won't get hurt. I grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head against the arm of the couch. Its something that gets rid off his stress from working at the prison all day, If you really dont want to build, he wont make you tag along. "Technoblade!" With some difficulty, you strip off your armor and bag aside. As hard as your tried, you couldnt make anything out that he was saying, it all sounded to far off and broken up. He is an anarchist opposed to government (as he considers them tyrannical and oppressive) and a co-founder of the Syndicate, a federation dedicated to upholding anarchist ideology. Techno isnt too use to affection, but he still returns the hug, although rather awkwardly with the knowing look Philza gives him, Technos body normally runs warm, especially as a hybrid from The Nether. You called out a sad smile appearing on your face, Technoblade narrowed his eyes. "Just go get changed kid," He grumbled, "So you can show (Y/n)." When youre done rambling, he pulls you into a side hug. Got some for my Princess too, that's (Y/n).". No shipping in story. Your ears perk up when he responds and you follow his voice. He mindlessly admires your beauty, enamored by your wings and personality. You tsked softly, running your fingers through his hair. Techno slowly started moving down from my neck to my collar bone, to my chest, to my stomach and rested there for a minute before looking up at me half lidded, asking if it was ok to go further. If you really surprise him, he lets out a little hiss, his freckles lighting up, Sam enjoys running his fingers along your wings, especially after finding out how sensitive they are. Fundy is a little shocked too, his head tilting in confusion. "I love you too Princess," Technoblade murmured trying to ignore the roaring voices in the back of his mind.