I have pictures if you would like me to send them. I went to the doctor, and they had no explanation. http://imgur.com/XwWcz8jPhoto taken around 24 hours after discovery.No pain or irritation, only a hicky-like under-skin appearance. Atopic Dermatitis: Red, Purple, or Gray Patches . Didn't find the answer you were looking for? There is much more to this story. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. I got super sensitivity to light, sensitivity with my ears and sounds followed by a white noise for weeks after. For instance, you may have fallen asleep in contacts that aren't . Red spot in the white area of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - no pain. I also got bit by a spider on my bum last week so maybe it's some sort of reaction to that? Warning Signs And Symptoms You Can't Ignore, Not Only Older Adults Get Macular Degeneration. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. My email is incredibren@gmail.com. Substances in tobacco smoke are a recipe for disaster when it comes to your eyes. Please send me pics for verification. The changes you go through can also weaken how the tissues and fluids in your eyes function, including the gel inside the vitreous cavity. Please read the Statistical Analyses (starting on page 185) and Theories and Conclusions (pg 210) of our recently released Dossier compilation on the RGMP for more info. I woke from a normal sleep about 3am. 14 The eye dr. said he never heard of anyone seeing this and felt there was no retina detachment. But i believe over 15 times that I know of. As if I had sunglasses on with red lenses. Here's my link to pics: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4g1d7an5yyceufc/AABvZINY2-xM0CUZDQCJbfZKa?dl=0my email if anyone has questions: gemoyer @ gmail.com. I didn't lay on anything that would create such a pattern.Any ideas of what they may be? After the surgery I immediately developed large red spots in both eyes (subconjunctival hemorrhage). But before I could bound out of bed, almost like a light switch was flipped, my vision went back to normal, very dark. The red grid mark phenomenon (RGMP) has just become even stranger with the discovery of another investigation series on a french forum sit After nearly four years of investigation, the RGMP Research Team has finally released this compilation on the red grid mark phenomenon. What could they be? It keeps the eyeball plump and round. No pain, not raised, no discomfort. Exactly as described in the symptoms. Vivid nightmares around the time of the mark appearance are what tipped my team off to how and why the mark form. People with migraines can also get an aura with flashing lights in their vision. Yes, we have determined the cause of the circular patterned marks to be of a particular type of tub drain. I do recalled I woke up several times and had problems to conciliate sleep. They are just now beginning to heal (disappear) after several weeks. Iv got some pictures of them if you would like me to send it to you. The vitreous cavity is located between the lens and retina of your eye. ascended. Have a medical complete eye exam by an Eye MD ophthalmologist. The other day I r My friend used to apply eye drops for irritation in her eyes and that ended up in a severe vision problem and now she is getting treatment from nearby eye clinic ( http://theeye.clinic/ ). It occurs every year in late June or July and last a week or two. Glad I found this site. 10 Its so unnerving. Featuring exclusive content, such as photo selections, statistical analyses of survey data, and long-awaited conclusions on the cause of the grid marks, this dossier is meant to provide all the relevant information experiencers and curious readers would want in one organized, and clear ebook style work. You can see my post on 'What the Grid Marks Are NOT' from the Investigations Page archive list, or by typing in the search bar. I have very vivid dreams and I dream every night but I did not remember my dreams last night which I was weird. Sometimes the patch is raised and rough or bumpy. Its very strange because they are bright red ( as if burned into my skin) not raised. The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. If floaters and flashes get worse, or if you lose your side vision, see a curtain moving across your field of vision or have a decrease in vision, your doctor will tell you not to wait for that. I sympathize with you on that. Seeing 6-20 stagnant flashes of greenish light in central vision. Hi, woke up about an hour ago & was told by my girlfriend that a pattern of red dots was on my back.She photographed the area if you would like to see it.I did have a strange vivid dream & awoke in the middle of the night (not sure what time) shivering. They are about an inch by inch and look like little red pin pricks with no feeling or discomfort at all. We are no longer investigating grid mark cases, the investigation is closed on our end. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. Without a photo or clinical evaluation, it is impossible to tell you more. Just throwing all the possible options out there. This is because the fovea in the center of our eyes only has cones and no rods. In 2015 it was photographed as such see this articlehttp://phys.org/news/2015-03-particle.html. Why You're Seeing Black Spots: Possible Causes. It really scary i just want the problems to stop. Assembling the science of information download from a network/cloud consciousness. I would attach a picture but not sure how. ), ( I am a Christian and it's hard to believe some other life form came and did this but now after reading everyone's stories I'm scared but my husband after sending him this site he jokes that aliens spanked me! I noticed the exact same grid dot thing last night on my partners shoulder We googled it because we had been talking about extraterrestrial life forms the night before and I made a joke about him being abducted We weren't expecting to find this! Thanks!!! It seemed strange. This has been happening to me for a while please contact me for pics they like like hickies in a pattern, Mines is above my belly button. Are you seeing spots in both eyes or just one eye? Feel free to email me at nikiwithonekay@gmail.com for photos taking this morning. Should I send pictures? And I was dumbing down ;-). I am South American and Pacific Islander so my skin gets dark in the sun. Seeing spots, which are often called floaters, means that you are seeing objects that look like small specks, circles or strands floating in your visual field. The appearance of red spots on the skin Could be due to some sort of heat Rash. What the hell. does it need any special attention? It's really noticeable as I'm still staring at a white pillow. ), ( Hi Lynn, Please fill out our general info form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eNY6iZHY9x-2IaOy2wWz9FPehwsm0mgt7JaTi06-Tp4/viewform and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.com. I will come back to this page after I visit a neuro ophthalmologist. Hey guys, same thing has happened to me. My mind is blank because there is nothing at home or at work that I can think of that could of caused it. He could hear voices talking to one another, and tried to call out to them. What makes it even more strange is that I have pretty dark skin ( eastern indian and latin american) the markings have not faded over time. I could not keep my eyes open yet I had not been at all tired shortly before that. now i see a little white stringy fluid around it. experientialdreaming@gmail.com, 26weeks pregnant and two days ago my partner pointed out weird dots on my left buttock.. Now that I'm up my headache has subsided and I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit my stomach just feels really bruised as if I did. Thanks :). I hope somehow we can find out the answer. This was on 6/6/17 and afterwards I came to this site because I couldn't find anything else on where these could have come from. Learn what you can do to avoid ski injury and other common winter sports injury. Like invisible light is somehow shining out of your eyes. Crazy thing is, if I take a baby wipe, they wipe right off. It's very odd looking but in perfect pattern and it was huge. "It was about 9" high by 6" wide, and I had no idea what they could have been but now I'm assuming I got to close to my microwave. Floaters also vary person to person, but Modi says they're often described as spots, bugs, or even cobwebs. Hey all I too have the same marks on my back.Email me to lifeupgrade1@gmail.com if you have any info. 1/2 inch and the larger total diamonds sides are about 1 inch. Over time, new, weak blood vessels grow, leak blood, and cover the center of the retina. This sounds like a subconjuctival hemorrhage, which is essentially a bruise on the whites of the eyes. I have a circle of dots on one side of my foot. I am not sure what the problem is. They occur when the usually clear cells of the lens become cloudy, due to changes in the consistency and volume of the proteins . It happens sometimes after naps as well as after a full night of sleep. Daniel, yes we'd love to hear more and see some photos. My son has a "hickey" pattern exactly like a honeycomb on the exact center of his back, and it did appear after he awoke in The morking 3 days ago, it is still quite visible. The first few times it happened I thought the house was on fire. And that's something I don't want to hear or believe. They will fade in a few days so if you could take more until they do that would be great, Also, if you could take just a few minutes and fill out the brief questionnaire on our website that would help a lot too. Although myodesopsia is an age-related eye problem, it's still essential that you see an optometrist or ophthalmologist for care. Just like everyone else I looked for a diagnosis online and found this site. I got up and was completely awake, which is very odd for me. no bumps no itchness. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or blood vessel abnormalities in the retina or behind the eye. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. That took care of the pains but every year the rash comes back. Diabetes can wreak havoc on your eyes as well as affect your overall health. Usually this is due to the eye shifting back and forth between the 3 sensitivity leves DARK-SEMI DARK-BRIGHT. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. NO SYMPTOMS or recolection. Same size and everything. Last night when I got out of the shower I noticed a red diamond between my shoulder and my bicep, next to a large tattoo so this is definitely out of place to me. Theyve appeared on my right shoulder blade and my lower spine a few times, and I've seen lights in the sky with my friend on the same nights, one night before it occurred I was woken by a loud kind of turbine sound and saw a huge red laser like light pulse quickly above me in my room for like a brief second then everything became normal my friend was asleep in the room with me and was not awoken or anything in fact he was the one that discovered the marks the next day, I don't believe in aliens but this is weird and I want answers! I have pics, hi i got some symmetric dots forming on my palms. But this time I was wide awake and could still see it. I got up to change my pajamas and found the markings of these diamond shaped, honeycomb, branding on my left butt cheek. Are you familiar with those? Am a voracious reader and accumulate interest in almost about most topics, aliens, conspiracies, ets and have had some weird dreams in the past too of aliens, zombies n stuffs some months past. He saw the opthamologist this morning who dialated his eyes and did a . I did not take a photograph when he was 9 months, and really wish now I had. Ive got these dots on my leg. Paralysis upon waking is not a recognized symptom of night terrors. It often comes and goes, and my colleagues often get the chill whenever it comes back showing bright white spots then later after days it fades but not completely. They are all the same shape and in perfect lines. blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, seeing red spots when waking up. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. Keratosis Pilaris: Rough Bumps on Your Arms, Legs, or Cheeks. Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD. In closing, the thing that I read that was most troubling was about the dreams. If that is normal general just monitor for new symtoms. 6 We cannot follow up on cases without a way to contact. Is paralysis upon waking a symptom of night terrors? Kinda freaked out. Hi, we woke up today and my boyfriend is telling me how unusual last night was, he never dreams but last night he did although he can't remember all he remembers is that he was sweating a lot. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. i have strange dot pattern in my bicipe too email me at jselacnoratyahoo.com so we can discuss it. The lines are straight but curve as I try to move around. ), ( This happened in July after I was guided by something to go to the Internet and do a third eye awakening. Jason, could you please get in touch with us at experientialdreaming@gmail.com and send a picture of your marks? Are we living in a Simulation or have my eyes gone haywire? Some would not be red, would just look like indents in my arm but was smooth feeling. I am going to set up a pop up tent and cut a hole in the roof and buy a portable air conditioner so I can absorb the sun light vitamin D while still being nice and cool . I've had the same problem lately. Anyone know anything about this? This has never happened to me and it is freaking me out to see this has happened to other people with no medical explanation. I have been extremely interested in aliens and have been looking for evidence of their existence and seeing this makes me very happy. I don't know why I never searched online right away but prolly because I thought I was the only one with it. The mark lasted over a week and then just disappeared. These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. But, he described his and they sound exactly like mine. they can burst and have yellow stringy stuff come out and it may be infected. The only other possibility I can think of is that I recently had blood work done and I had a test come back that I had large red blood cells. Looked like someone was shining a red light in my room. I understand having these marks appear when you're pregnant can be distressing. If youre struggling with diabetic retinopathy, Cape Fear Retinal Associates in Wilmington explains that a new treatment could help relieve progression. Glad you were able to figure out yours. Pls say something. If you wake up the morning of a big event with a beet red face, don't panic. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. Still no answer about my seeinga green grid on my ceiling when waking up. It's flat no raised bumps but they are in a circular pattern. Weird. Help, Did you ever figure out what it was? 6 rows by 6 rows in perfect geometric shape. perfect shapes, not always circular or dot-like; skin of Sent in contact info, deedlehobbs@yahoo.com. Cant find anything. They look as if someone drew it with a series of pokes with a red sharpie.Cannot think of anything that could have caused it, though it looks like I heavily rested my chin on a salt shaker. Mostly occures on my shoulder blades or my triceps. Small squares of dots in different places. Email me any photos you have at experientialdreaming@gmail.com. However, last night my boyfriend took his shirt off and I saw the same pattern across his back. Then they sent me home with discharge papers that said rash - dermatitis. Please see an ophthalmologist. I just got ashes in ny eye from a cigarette it dosent hurt and dosent look red well maybe a small spot but im tired .. ), ( Hi there,I woke up this morning with a 6x5 red grid pattern directly under my chin. The chin or jaw is one of the common areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly. Please know our findings show you have nothing to worry about with regard to your babies. Not raised or itchy. They may say 50 is the new 40, but your eyes didn't get the memo. Any number of concerns are on our radar as we plan our next trip, from serious issues like how destinations are working to mitigate tourists' environmental impact to inconveniences like months-long passport wait times. It happened to me too since I am sitting in pc alot. Limbus is the edge of More often than not the red spot is a stye or a chalazion! I find it baffling that there are no medical answers to explain why this happens or what it may be a result of. Thank you. That happened at about 12am so I tried to wake him but he wouldn't come out of it. It wraps around to his side and is about 6" x 2". Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. A 29-year-old male asked: Upon waking or opening my eyes, i see a small transparent red spot in the center of my vision lasting 1-2 seconds. Ive had this experience twice. It proves that light is made of waves and not particles. Everyone we have told keeps making jokes that we got visited by aliens last night that marked him to come back later. Anuome with 5 dots across and 3 down with an update? However, everyone needs to learn about them because they can lead to loss of vision if left untreated, and treatment is relatively quick and easy. People with AMD are usually diagnosed during a routine eye exam when the eye doctor sees small white spots in the retina called drusen. That night my 4 year old son had a very bad night terror and was screening out loud "no I don't want to" and kept saying "no" crying putting his hands in front of him like he was scared and trying to get away from something. So I have them under my left arm on the left side of my rib cage theres 11 dots some are faded buts its in the perfectly spaced dots I wonder if it could have been my Alien dream I had. Hello was it mainly in the months of June and July ? I got it right after watching a t.v series on a t.v that never worked dont know why I was watching it but the t.v show ended and so did the life of my t.v the next day I woke up with hives and that mark was there. Three on the left side of my back going up towards my armpit and one on my right side and right in the center of my back I have a bruise going down the middle of my back. Bright Spots in Eyes. But what is more frustrating is figuring out the causes and treatments for the red spots on your skin. As reading these posts will outline. Depression This happens to me too! Yep, sometimes even sex can make you bleed. This is the weirdest thing ever. My daughter has had triangle grid marks on her forehead, it seems once a year. A few seconds later, the colors settle down again. I noticed its usually when Answered in 4 hours by: Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question No i will have pictures by then, im freaking out my daughter has weird honeycomb mark on hereit feels weird too, like embeded. Content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. I just found a honeycomb set of dots on my shoulder yesterday. ), ( I didn't even notice the marks my gf did bad got worried.hear me out what if where being tagged. I was changing my shirt and my son noticed it. I have a large red spot in the white part of my eye. My vision was so clear, I could count every board, count every knot in every board. ), ( This could possibly be a recurrence of infection especially if you have had an increase in pain, drainage, and/or fevers. Could humans also have this capability? Me and my dad are obsessed with it. I've been experiencing this since childhood, although not every night, only rarely. I would really just like to know if mine looked like the rest or if it was different. I had this problem for the first time just now, I fell asleep watching tv but when I woke up everything and everyone on the tv was red, I had a chuckle because the bald guy on the tv looked like a red Smurf, like he had red body paint on, but within 10 seconds or so everything went back to normal and I realised it was my eyes or brain doing it. Second time I.ve had this, though this one is different looking bthan last time. Yes, be concerned, and get a. This comment has been removed by the author. The tv is on and provides some light in the room. They have been described before as similar to allergy testing grids. Although they can take physical form and guide it, it does not happen too often. When you rub the sleep from your weary eyes, the lights suddenly intensify and bursts of bright colors appear all across your field of vision. Same here, but not red - dark, like mini bruises. My boyfriend found a grid of a rectangle on my back Tuesday (05/26/15) He finally told me last night and i started to research and i cant mind anything but forums related to this. My son had bizarre dreams on the time of the occurrences the first time he had a dream of a zombie apocalypse and this time a dream about war. We believe this phenomenon to have a natural cause. Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. 36 I wonder how long ive had this. Perfectly lined. As a kid, my dad says he & his friend saw ufos in the sky and they followed him on more than one occasion. ), ( Woke up this morning and my sister noticed weird hicky looking for on my left bottom under cheek area. I had it checked out by two pharmacists and they were both perplexed and agreed that it was not allergies or bed bugs. Contact Lens-Related Irritation Even just a speck of dust trapped behind your contact lenses can irritate the eye. Red eyes and infections can happen if you don't clean your lenses correctly or if you wear them longer than you're supposed to. Mine appeared yesterday right where my leg meets my butt in the exact same pattern as you describe. Well I'm well and truly freaked out!!!!! No doctor has been able to give me an answer and I am looking for some info. ), ( No pain nor swell. Thought it was weird, but it faded after about a week and didn't think much about it after that. In otherwise healthy eyes, they are caused by the natural structure of the vitreous gel inside the eye that casts shadows on the retina. He doesnt think its the aliens and im just freaked out about this He says he doesn't feel weird or hasn't seen things or lights or anything so i dont knowI guess i am here like everybody else just looking for some answers.Thank youFeel free to contact me if you have any info or questions priscillacepeda4668@hotmail.com, My daughter has marks like these all over her body. I see clear no problem ..? After waking up in the morning from a night's sleep, you may have noticed red, bloodshot eyes staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. My girlfriend noticed marks on my back and we don't know how they appear looks like 2 lines and a honey cone shape at the end of it who knows what this is. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Please send any photos you may have to experientialdreaming@gmail.com, we'd very much like to see them! I stood up and clearly wasnt dreaming as I "felt everything" on my body its like, when you know 100% you're awake. Also fast heart . I only see them when looking to my left or right? No pains, no heat, nothing. Hi Becky, yes please send any pictures you may have to us here at experientialdreaming@gmail.com. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. I wasn't sure if I should admit it to my doctor or not! They were a little dots even spaced out. He was seen by an ER doctor (really the after hours clinic sine it wasn't a real emergency) and the doctor recommended seeing an opthamologist. He thought I had scratched too hard or that I had a rash. Weird was that, the second day, the guy that was with me when I got hit, got the same grid-like mark on his right arm shoulder. I like the others have not sat on anything nor been burned etc. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. DR is eye damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. I just noticed upon waking that I have the honeycomb markings on my rearboth sides in about the same spot. I think this is all gut/ immune related. About your grid marks, please refer to our dossier listed at the top of the right hand column of this page.