Name a place where you might hear irish music being played. Name something pirates might exchange on valentines day. Name a piece of furniture that is often made from wood. Name something that makes mammals unique from other animals. #2: If a juggler lost his balls, name something from his kitchen he might juggle instead. Name the u.s. city with the most expensive restaurants. Name something a little kid might learn at baseball practice. Name a situation where you might need to wear ear plugs. Name something a father and daughter might bond over. Tell me something a slob might use as a napkin. Name something that takes up too much of your time. Name something that might use a pirate as its mascot. Where might a parent fantasize about sending their misbehaving child? X- Your phone (Stephanie), Stuerkes: Chicks/sluttage (T2- 21), girlie magazines, movie ads, TV/sports (#4- 20), kids If you turned into a monster, what monster would you choose? Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about. Name an item frequently used in school science projects. Name a helpful way a witch could use her powers on a pirate ship. " Russian forests crash down under the axe, billions of trees are dying, the habitations of animals and birds are layed waste, rivers grow shallow and dry up, marvelous landscapes are disappearing forever.. Man is endowed with creativity in order to multiply that which has been given him; he has not created, but destroyed. Besides eggs, what is an ingredient in egg salad? Name a city that should never host the superbowl. Give me a reason for moving away from your home town. Tagged with . We asked 100 married menTell us in a whisper, "My wife's bottom resembles a sack of" what? Name a place on your body that gets sweaty when you are nervous. Name an occupation that requires a steady hand. Name a sport that involves throwing something. Name a problem that you think st. patrick would be able to solve. We asked 100 people: name a popular christmas movie. Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth. Name a food that is easy to eat while driving. Name a superhero who you would like to have with you on a deserted island. We asked 100 people: name a popular pixar character. Name a personal possession that you might keep on your desk at work. Name a place people like to take a road trip to. Besides the president, name a powerful position in the u.s. government. Name a food or beverage that is used as a jelly bean flavor. Name a reason why someone might have a garage sale. Name something you might find in a haunted house. Name a halloween movie the whole family can enjoy. Name a place where you would expect to see a lot of christmas decorations. Name a business that looks forward to Valentine's Day. Name something you might see in a valentine's day gift basket. Name something about st. patricks day that pets might love. Name something that gets put on a Christmas tree. What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Easter? Name something about their personal hygiene that a pirate might neglect. Tell me something you wouldn't want your child to do in public. He hasn't been able to go into his home yet to assess the damage. Name the last thing on their ship that a pirate would want to have break. Name something a zombie might complain about. Name something a couple might have two of after moving in together. Name something new students get for the first day of school. Name something people suffering from colds always seem to be doing. Tagged with About ch0sen1 Comments are closed. Name somewhere you would move to when you retire. Name something you wouldn't want to catch your parents doing. Name something you might do to a fish after catching it. Besides turkey, what might be put on a turkey sandwich? Name something that needs to be kept in the fridge. Name something that a cowboy might have worn. Finish the sentence: "every parents wants to be there for their baby's first _____.". Tell me something that is never there when you need it. Name a moving violation you might be ticketed for. Besides study, name something students do in study hall. Name something a teenager might bring to school. Name a place where people keep emergency candy stashes. Name an actor that can do a good new york accent. Name something on a pirate ship that might accidentally catch fire. Other than a player, name a job someone might have at a baseball stadium. Name a hero or villain who doesnt look human. Name an animal that a class might have as a pet. Tell me something you might do to prepare for your first day of school. Name something you might bring on a first date. Name something that might make a superhero cry. Name something specific you might see at a new year's party. Name a country you would NOT like to live in. Name something you might find in your car's glove compartment. Chrome crashes may be caused by a corrupted profile. Name something you might see on TV on Halloween. Name something every child wants for christmas. Name something that attracts 4th of july crowds. Name a u.s. city that gets a lot of tourists. Name the first room you want to air out once spring arrives. Name a job where you're on your feet all day long. Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it. Name a place you would not like to be when the phone rings. Name something every village has at least one of. Tell me something specific you might compliment your mom on. Tell me something you do not want to see during a trip to the beach. What might a person do to relax once their spring cleaning is finished? Name something you know like the back of your hand. Name a magical creature that a pirate might want to have. Name something kids catch that might make them muddy. Besides ghosts, name something the ghostbusters might be called for. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'E'. We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a ballpark. Name the most valuable item that students bring to school. Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics. What might be an adult's favorite part of Easter? Name something you might learn how to make in shop class. Name something a woman might do to get ready for a date. Name a gift mentioned in the song "12 days of christmas". Name something that they DON'T teach at school. Name something that most pirates are good at. Who do you call when you are seeing things running through your head? Name something a ghostbuster would not want to happen while on the job. Name an ingredient you need to make pancakes. Name something you think of when you think of China. Name something that might be unpleasant about kissing a pirate. Name a recipe or game eggs might used for at a family picnic. Name something a witch might put in her cauldron. If you were a supervillain, which famous monument or landmark would you want to destroy? Name something a couple would want their home to be full of. Name something parents keep in the car for their baby. Name something people eat too much of around the holidays. Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son. Name a candy that can be eaten in a single bite. Other than family, name someone you might buy a gift for. Name the most important quality in a potential mate. Tell me something you would feel uncomfortable talking to your grandmother about. Name something commercials claim that every father needs. If you could fill a swimming pool with one item from thanksgiving dinner, which would you choose? Name something pirates might decorate their ship with. Name something parents make their kids do after coming inside from the rain. Name something you would hate to find under your bed. Name a quality you find desirable in people. Name a real-life situation where people might spontaneously break into song. Name an animal that might become gigantic in a monster movie. Name something your friends might grill your new boy or girlfriend on. Name an excuse a guy might use to invite his date back to his place. Name an amenity that might be found on a train. Name something a person might do as part of spring cleaning. Name something slimy that kids pick up off of the ground. Name an animal you would not want to give mouth to mouth to. We asked 100 people: name your favorite muppet character. "(4 answers), 4. Name something pirates had to be able to do quickly. Name something your child might do to annoy you. Play Family Feud Live any way youd like. Name an activity a family might do outside over thanksgiving weekend. Name an artist who has recorded a christmas album. Name someone you might want to talk to after a really good date. Complete the statement: the scariest monsters all have ___.. Name a profession starting with the letter "t". Name something you might see in a public swimming pool. Name something people want their partners to have good taste in. Name something your body tells you to do. Name something neighbors swap with each other. Name something people do to keep their hands warm in the winter. #5: Confront him (4)(Kisha) What do people use for cover when they get caught in a rain storm? Name something people chew that ends with the word "ball.". Name something specific that a hero might teach their sidekick. Name a superhero who was not born in the u.s. Name a superhero with a recognizable symbol. Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "driving". Name a christmas gift you would like to get from your boss. We asked 100 people: name something a dog might bury in a yard. Besides gold, name something a leprechaun's spouse might remind them to bring home. Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic. Name something that gets hidden before guests arrive for thanksgiving. Name something you think of when you think of Spain. If you have $15 today, it should hold on to its value till you decide to purchase something in the near future. When someone says they are visiting the south, what state might they be going to? What might happen to a student who does not do their homework? Name something kids play in the street during summer. Tell me something you know about beyonce. Their idea of buying in a crash is overly-optimistic at best. Name a place veterans might gather on the 4th of july. Fill in the blank: If you're too picky, you'll never find the right ________. Name something specific that might be put in fried rice. LEVEL UP Win matches to gain experience points. Name something you might find in a millionaires bathroom but not in a common persons bathroom. Name a place parents leave notes for their kids before sending them to school. Name something that is really hard to clean up. Name a color you would see on a string of christmas lights. Name a place you would NOT want to spill your coffee. Tell me something people do more of during winter than summer. Name a hairstyle that used to be popular but is not anymore. Name a country that is known for figure skating. Name a food or beverage that might ruin a diet during the holidays. Name something you might not let guests do in your house. Name something people tell themselves when they are scared. Name something that would ruin a romantic vacation. Name something you get on valentine's day. Tell me an animal associated with Australia. Name an event that people travel from all around the world to see. Name a reason you might marry someone you don't really love. Name a place that gets a lot of earthquakes. Where would you go if you had the power to teleport? This site was created to get you Family Feud questions and answers as quickly as possible. Name something you associate with frank sinatra. Name something superheroes might share with one another. Name something that might cause your car not to start. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you. What tricks could you eat a dog to encourage guests to leave after thanksgiving dinner? Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger. At what age might a kid have their first boy or girlfriend? Name something you would not want to run out of when hosting a christmas party. Name a reason your flight might be cancelled. Name a celebrity you wish you could have dinner with. Besides a significant other, name someone you might give a valentine's card to. Name something people do when they are happy. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with. Name a present people get for their pets. Give me a female celebrity who's a good role model. Name a reason why you might stop during a road trip. Name a reason why you might bury a treasure chest full of gold. Name a state that rarely has a white christmas. Tell me something you associate with Easter. Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class. Name a place where you have to keep quiet. Name something that smells awful when it expires. Name something dad might do if his family forgot father's day. What would you like your last meal to be? Name something you buy that you expect to last several years. Besides money, name a subject that is often talked about in the financial section of a newspaper. Name a place in schools where students socialize. Name a sport where the referee could get hurt. Name something that superheroes might name after themselves. Name something you might build around the house. Name something you think of when you think of France. Name a food that starts with the letter 'S'. Tell me something you wish you could do over again. Name a chain restaurant that serves coffee you do not want to drink. Name something you might put in a box marked fragile. Name something you'd find on top of a poker table. This answer was found in the game Family Feud 2. Name something you associate with silent movies. Name a sport with annoying tv commentators. Name a sport you might play on a sunny day. Name something you can't wait to do at a party. Name something valuable that can be found in space. Name a place where women make their boyfriends accompany them. Name a country singer who might perform at a 4th of july celebration. Posted by ch0sen1 on May 12, 2022 . Which ghostbuster do you think has the best hair? Name something you might wear to a 1920s themed party. Name something a pirate would not want to find on his ship. Name the most recognizable building or monument in washington d.c. Name a statistic that baseball fans keep track of. Name a fruit that does not grow on a tree. Name something that the first american settlers used to harvest in the fall. Name a country where they make good wine. Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on. Name something people carry with them at night, to make them feel safe. Name something you do when you are angry. Name something you associate with the southern US. Double-click on the Home button to bring up the multitasking screen. Name something you wouldn't want to buy at a thirft store. Name a way people exercise outside once the weather gets nice. Name a baby animal you would expect to see on a farm. Name an activity a family could do in their driveway. Name a color of crayon that might be used a lot in a spring-themed coloring book. Name a food that would make for a gross jelly bean flavor. Name a sport you might be able to play in a skirt. Name the first thing you would grab if a food fight started during christmas dinner. Name something that might come between friends. Name an accessory a kid might put on their bike. Name something you walk out of if it's dirty. Name a meal you can usually get at a bar or pub. Your email address will not be published. Name something that might get passed around. Name something a cartoon leprechaun might be carrying. Name something in your house that's easy to break. Name a way santa might get into a house with no chimney. Name something you'd need in order to go whitewater rafting. Name something you might see on a house roof. Name something you might be glad only comes once a year. Name a place where you might lose your keys. Name a food that starts with the letter 'T'. Besides losing, name a reason why a coach might be fired. Name a sauce or seasoning you would see at thanksgiving dinner. Name something a sports fan does when the tv camera points at them. Tell me something you think of when you think of India. Name a country that has a large lifestyle difference between the rich and poor. Tell me something you might keep under your sink. #6: Name something a villain might ask their minions to steal. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying? Name something you are always afraid to check. Name a profession that uses a calculator. Tell me something you might do to win over your in-laws. Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers. Name a superpower that a dog might enjoy having. Where would politicians like to be seen on thanksgiving day? Name a halloween costume that might involve face paint. Name something that makes your breath smell bad. You can sign into Chrome with your Google account . Name something you hope never crashes into your home. Tell me something people postpone doing for as long as they can. What might a bully do at an Easter egg hunt? Tell me something that you might find in the ocean. Name something a pet rabbit might chew on that it is not supposed to. How old is the average son when his dad teaches him to shave? Name a place you would not want to be on christmas. Name a christmas gift a teacher might appreciate. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'F'.