Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in. Does nothing on Mac. Disable the Touch Exploration Mode. Size of the ALSA output period in frames. Alternative feedback server to use when submitting user feedback. Don't allow content to arbitrarily append to the back/forward list. Applies the material design mode passed via --top-chrome-md to elements throughout Chrome (not just top Chrome). If the WebRTC logging private API is active, enables audio debug recordings. Example usages: --isolate-sites-for-testing=*.com --isolate-sites-for-testing=https://*. Changes the behavior of the "default" color space conversion mode in createImageBitmap. Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to CRX file system APIs. Sets the time in seconds until startup tracing ends. Enables paint invalidation based on slimming paint but without the full slimming paint v2 compositing code. Configure whether chrome://profiler will contain timing information. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. A dictionary with each entry consisting of the name of the preference and the value. The period of an ALSA output device determines how many frames elapse between hardware interrupts. Enable experimental canvas features, e.g. Specifies which category option was clicked in the Windows Jumplist that resulted in a browser startup. Specifies if a heuristic should be used to determine the most probable target of a gesture, where the touch region is represented by a rectangle. If supplied, sets the file which shutdown tracing will be stored into, if omitted the default will be used "chrometrace.log" in the current directory. Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to messages. This allows the user to set a setting to require very close proximity between the remote device and the local device in order to unlock the local device, which trades off convenience for security. Specifies if the |StatsCollectionController| needs to be bound in html pages. Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs. Disable proactive early init of GPU process. This flag significantly shortens the delay between nudge cycles. Enables the heads-up display for tracking touch points. These mappings apply to the endpoint host in a net::URLRequest (the TCP connect and host resolver in a direct connection, and the CONNECT in an http proxy connection, and the endpoint host in a SOCKS proxy connection). default: Set both flags. Microsoft Edge is a "Modern" Universal app. Disable overscroll edge effects like those found in Android views. --cipher-suite-blacklist Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable. Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as browser. Use an .y4m file to play as the webcam. Disables notification when device is in end of life status. For enum type, use the int value of the enum value. Specifying this switch enables the Variations service on unofficial builds. Enables using screenshots in tests and seets mode. This should be used only for testing purpose. Override the behavior of plugin throttling for testing. A string used to override the default user agent with a custom one. Whether to enable forced enterprise re-enrollment. One should only enable it when automating dom based tests. Cause the OS X sandbox write to syslog every time an access to a resource is denied by the sandbox. Specifies the URL where spelling service feedback data will be sent instead of the default URL. {count} if present will be incremented each time a profile is generated for this process. The id's of the devices can be retrieved from 'xinput list'. Force renderer accessibility to be on instead of enabling it on demand when a screen reader is detected. See base/win/memory_pressure_monitor.cc for defaults. Set the value to '0' to disable. Enables support to debug printing subsystem. Displays the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of whether or not it's actually the First Run (this overrides kNoFirstRun). Invalidation service should use GCM network channel even if experiment is not enabled. Last automated update occurred on 2022-11-13 . Enables the palette next to the status area. Only auto-reload error pages when the tab is visible. Enables docking windows to the right or left (not to be confused with snapped windows). Disables GPU hardware acceleration. 2 If you haven't already, switch to the profile you want to clear browsing data for. And based on this question Process.Start($"microsoft-edge:{url}") does not always work.. Based on this answer, all I can do now is to tell cmd to start the microsoft-edge with the given url: Linking will still fail. last-launched-app should be the app that just launched and is spawning the renderer. The number of MSAA samples for canvas2D. :[ ). This in turn will disable WebGL2. To collect (or not collect) events from Page domain. Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes. edge://about-- Same as edge://edge-urls/; edge://accessibility-- Inspect the representation of accessibility in Edge and modify accessibility modes. This flag is to be used only by the upgrade process. Indicates that chrome was launched to service a search request in Windows 8. Registers additional font files on Windows (for fonts outside the usual %WINDIR%\Fonts location). List of network interfaces to ignore. Tells chrome to interpret events from these devices as touch events. Required if the server has authentication enabled. Specifies if the browser should start in fullscreen mode, like if the user had pressed F11 right after startup. This allows us to check whether or not reloading a webpage releases web-related objects correctly. Ids prefixed with the character "t" will be treated as Trigger Variation Ids. For development / testing only. Disables the Web Notification and the Push APIs. If unset, a hardcoded list is used instead. Skips all other OOBE pages after user login. Disables rollback option on reset screen. Edge Command Line Arguments. Has no effect unless --trace-shutdown is also supplied. Specifies a comma separated list of QUIC connection options to send to the server. Start the Create Application Wizard and create the application In the Configuration Manager console, click Software Library > Application Management > Applications. Values for the kExtensionContentVerification flag. This flag can reduce the security of the sandboxed processes and allow them to do certain API calls like shut down Windows or access the clipboard. Used primarily to gather samples for IPC fuzzing. Overrides kEnableGpuAsyncWorkerContext. warp: D3D11 renderer using software rasterization, ES2 and ES3. - officially-supported-with-active-directory: ARC is supported and also allowed to use with Active Directory management. Enables key bindings to scroll magnified screen. Taints all elements, regardless of origin. Specifies the number of seconds between sending batches of feedback to spelling service. Disables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash. If the URI omits a scheme, then the proxy server scheme defaults to HTTP, and if the port is omitted then the default port for that scheme is used. osmesa: The OSMesa software renderer. Overrides the URL used to fetch the current Google Doodle. At least YUV decoding will be accelerated when not using this flag. By default pseudo stacks derived from trace events are reported. Specifies if the |DOMAutomationController| needs to be bound in the renderer. TODO(dalecurtis): Remove once experiments for http://crbug.com/470940 finish. Enables grouping websites by domain and filtering them by period. This can be used with the standalone mojo_runner to override executable and package resolution behavior. See: https://goo.gl/eQczQW, Enables slimming paint phase 2: http://www.chromium.org/blink/slimming-paint. If Edge started without that key, user can close assigned access application or create new desktop using gestures. Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run. Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable. For example, Power of the power-of-2 maximum modulus that will be used by the auto-enrollment client. The various modes are always-on, cellular-only, slow connections only and disabled. WebDriver testing frameworks (such as Selenium) provide language bindings which typically have convenience methods so you don't need to configure the JSON map yourself. Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics flag. <<path to edge>> http://bing.com<<path to edge>> http://stackoverflow.com This would result in two edge windows being opened. Instructs headless_shell to cause network fetches to complete in order of creation. This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux. Disables fetching and storing cloud policy for components. This is good for showing where the UI might be doing more rendering work than necessary. Useful for convertible tablet. Scenario: My organization uses separate accounts for elevated privileged actions. Useful if one wishes to use Chrome as an ash server. The requested number of milliseconds between DevTools trace buffer usage events. Force easy unlock app loading in test. Note this doesn't prevent the app list from running, it just makes Chrome think the app list hasn't been enabled (as in kEnableAppList) yet. 0 disables MSAA. Starts the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings. Initializes X11 in threaded mode, and sets the |override_redirect| flag when creating X11 windows. Set number of threads to use for video decoding. Indicates that a guest session has been started before OOBE completion. Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own renderer process. Causes SSL key material to be logged to the specified file for debugging purposes. Check whether all system dependencies for running layout tests are met. Default is false. More information. Removes the requirement that we recieved a ping from the autofill servers and that the user doesn't have the given form blacklisted. Percentage of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto hide. Turns on calling TRACE for every GL call. Enable only saving pages as MHTML. Also we lose the chance to kill some processes until the outer job that owns them finishes. Very high values for this setting can lead to high memory/resource usage or instability. See kEnableScriptsRequireAction. List of Edge Command Line Switches? Causes Chrome to initiate an installation flow for the given app. The following table shows the configurable commands, how to use them, and what they do. AddExtensions ( "/path/to/extension.crx" ); var driver = new EdgeDriver ( options ); Has no effect unless --user-data-dir is also supplied. Disables the window backdrops normally used in maximize mode (TouchView). Disable the pull-to-refresh effect when vertically overscrolling content. Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting print job. ), An optional dictionary that specifies performance logging preferences. Causes the process to run as a service process. Show borders around CALayers corresponding to overlays and partial damage. Indicates that crash reporting should be enabled. The constant OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined. Passes secondary gpu vendor ids from browser process to GPU process. When running content_browsertests, saves output of failing accessibility tests to their expectations files in content/test/data/accessibility/, overwriting existing file content. Disable sandbox even for non SFI mode. Touch Exploration Mode will no longer be turned on automatically when spoken feedback is enabled when this flag is set. The argument's value must be a BSD device name of the form "diskN" or "diskNsM". Directory where the browser stores the user profile. Enable automatically pressing the print button in print preview. Most Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities are exposed through the EdgeOptions object. The maximum number of retry attempts to resolve the host. Enables support for Handoff from Chrome on iOS to the default browser of other Apple devices. If this switch is set, the device cannot be remotely disabled by its owner. Lo-fi must also be enabled via a flag or field trial. Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic auth username/password pair. Enables the site settings all sites list and site details pages in the Chrome settings UI. Makes pixel tests write their output instead of read it. If for some reason your path or environment variables aren't configured correctly, you may need to use the full path to Edge: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --app-shell-host-window-size="1280,1024" --window-size="1280,1024". Sets a secure proxy check URL to test before committing to using the Data Reduction Proxy. By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. The page must prcoess a user gesture before an entry can be added. Disable multithreaded, compositor scrolling of web content. Command-Line is the best way to launch Microsoft Edge in Kiosk mode. Enables the Material Design policy page at chrome://md-policy. Options are: desktop: whatever desktop OpenGL the user has installed (Linux and Mac default). Disables data volume counters in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. If the WebRTC logging private API is active, enables WebRTC event logging. Required if the server has authentication enabled. Set blink settings. The constant ENABLE_WAYLAND_SERVER must be defined. The Alsa device to use when opening an audio input stream. Targeted for mouse/touch hybrid devices. MS are planning to release a Chromium-based Edge in the future and have already begun the migration. There is no list of all switches, but most of the existing switches can be found at https://peter.sh/examples/?/chromium-switches.html. The constant OFFICIAL_BUILD must not be defined, and the constant BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PRINT_PREVIEW) must be defined. Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch. Disables new Kiosk UI when kiosk apps are represented as user pods. Hack so that feature switch can work with about_flags. If the value doesn't start with !, a program will be debugged if manifest URL matches any pattern. Values outside that range will be clamped to the lowest or highest valid value inside WebRTC. Allows the ErrorConsole to collect runtime and manifest errors, and display them in the chrome:extensions page. Path to a folder containing a fixed version WebView2 runtime to use. Sample memory usage with high frequency and store the results to the Renderer.Memory histogram. The enum value of FontRenderParams::subpixel_rendering to be passed to Ppapi processes. Allows insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing). Passes the name of the current running automated test to Chrome. If this switch is not used, a simple pressure heuristic based purely on free memory will be used. Disables permission action reporting to Safe Browsing servers for opted in users. Create the application You'll create the application using a Configuration Manager wizard. This is because msedge.exe process is running all the time and command line switches seem to be . Disables the new rendering algorithm for webrtc, which is designed to improve the rendering smoothness. Specifies a custom URL for the server which reports variation data to the client. Instructs headless_shell to print document.body.innerHTML to stdout. Description. Overrides the default/calculated limit to the number of renderer processes. (Used by people testing their sites.). Enables demuxing of vp9 in mp4. Renders a green border around GL composited texture quads to help debug and study overlay support. Valid values are from 0 to 3: INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = 3. Enables suggestions while typing on a physical keyboard. Sends a pretty-printed version of tracing info to the console. Disable the behavior that the second click on a launcher item (the click when the item is already active) minimizes the item. Enables wake on wifi packet feature, which wakes the device on the receipt of network packets from whitelisted sources. Try to get the MSI installation package and look inside with Orca at the Property table. Disable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text. Implicitly enables the site engagement service. Forces the use of software GL instead of hardware gpu. Skips reencoding bitmaps as PNGs when the encoded data is unavailable during SKP capture. This is used for testing only. Only available with XInput 2 (i.e. Revisit by August 2013. - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models. A large proportion of results claim that as edge is now chrome based it supports most of the switches, but I have been unable to get any bar --new-window working. If not provided, the service binary's directory is assumed. Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. With Crashpad, the metrics client ID is distinct from the crash client ID. Specify the initial window position: --window-position=x,y. Allow heuristics to determine when a layer tile should be drawn with the Skia GPU backend. This switch is intended only for tests. * A renderer process's access rights are restricted based on its site. See chrome/browser/mac/relauncher.h. gl: Desktop GL renderer, ES2 and ES3. Disables fullscreen low power mode on Mac. Block ChildProcessMain thread of the renderer's ChildProcessService until a Java debugger is attached. This is accessible from chrome://apps and chrome://extensions and is already enabled on non-mac. Causes the process to run as a renderer zygote. The valid range is 12-255. since Edge is based on chromium engine, it basically uses the same switches, a similar list can be found on: https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-l. to get a full list, you need to download an orca client, then edit the Edge msi file using Orca, until you see the full options, but the list above should do. The argument to this switch is the handle id (pointer on Windows) as a string, followed by a comma, then the size of the shared memory segment as a string. Enables synchronizing WiFi credentials across devices, using Chrome Sync. Create an instance of EdgeOptions, which provides convenience methods to set Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities. Normally the data gets written on exit but cases exist where chrome doesn't exit cleanly (especially when using single-process). Disable the support for WebContents to lock the screen orientation. More details here: Simulates that current version is outdated. Use an fp16 scRGB swap chain compatible with HDR output. Specifies a command that should be used to launch the ppapi plugin process. Overrides any other proxy server flags that are passed. Passes gpu driver_vendor from browser process to GPU process. This article describes the Microsoft Edge commands that can be configured via the ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts policy. Appending --scripts-require-action=1 has the same effect as --enable-scripts-require-action (see below). Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that would otherwise be forbidden. Should only be used for testing purposes. Usually in browser tests the usual login manager bringup is skipped so that tests can change how it's brought up. Revisit by August 2013. (above than primary). X server 1.8 or above). Enables a hung renderer InfoBar allowing the user to close or wait on unresponsive web content. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370844.aspx for details. Note that this flag will not have any effect if MP4 demuxing is not enabled in the build. These are my current Command Arguments/Switches: (Chromium) usr/bin/chromium --incognito --kiosk https://stackoverflow.com--user-response . Ex: --ppapi-plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes". For example, the following argument defines two trials, with the second one activated: "GoogleNow/Enable/*MaterialDesignNTP/Default/" This option can also be used by the browser process to send the list of trials to a non-browser process, using the same format. Passes gpu vendor_id from browser process to GPU process. Forces first-run UI to be shown for every login. - http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/process-models Enables H264 HW decode acceleration for WebRtc on Win 7. Disables the use of DirectComposition to draw to the screen. This is a performance isolation mode. Do not use the mojo UI Service in the Chrome render process. Refresh token for identity API calls for the current user. Note: the URL must contain one '%s' for the extension ID. Forces the new features summary to be displayed below the update menu item. By default connector uses CDD. With this switch, start remora OOBE with the pairing screen. Sets the registration endpoint that will be used for creating new Google Cloud Messaging registrations. Force the UI to a specific direction. Disables new profile management system, including new profile chooser UI. Used for turning on Breakpad crash reporting in a debug environment where crash reporting is typically compiled but disabled. Example: --trace-shutdown --trace-shutdown-file=/tmp/trace_event.log. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don't have to mock out the policy infrastructure. Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features. Tells Chrome to do additional touch noise filtering. Value of OAuth2 refresh token for --force-app-mode. This flag is only relevant for Windows currently. How do users open a NEW instance of Microsoft Edge from the command line, batch file or a desktop short cut? ("-inl" suffixes are also disregarded for this matching). If --edge-fullscreen key used, Edge demands user name and password. Use new window behavior for virtual keyboard (do not change work area in non-sticky mode). To learn more about how to configure capabilities, consult the documentation for your preferred WebDriver testing framework. Disables the string change from "Save Image" to "Download Image". - http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation Enables use of toolkit-views based native app windows. This option can be used to force field trials when testing changes locally. Custom WebAPK server URL for the sake of testing. Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user from overriding that decision. Disables a workaround for fast inset updates for UIWebView.scrollView. canvas 2D context attributes. The argument is a param list of (key, value) pairs prefixed by an associated (trial, group) pair. Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. UI,IO,DB,FILE,CACHE are the list of BrowserThreads that are supported. An optional comma-separated list of IDs of apps that can be used to take notes.