The Madeleine McCann Research Group (MMRG) was set up in 2009, around the time that I created what was to become the most popular Madeleine McCann discussion forum on the internet: The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann (CMOMM). MADELEINE McCann detectives insisted they have "strong evidence" she is dead after uncovering a trove of pictures and videos allegedly buried by suspect Christian B. German prosecutor H It would also be consistent with the apartment having been forensically cleansed before the alarm was raised and Madeleines clothes and other items having been removed or disposed of. Gerry McCann had met Sahlke before he helped with the search but did not show any concern for his death. His conduct whilst a translator in those early days after Madeleine was reported missing was bizarre and suspicious. ANSWER: We reject her evidence for several reasons. No-one else heard a child crying loudly for 75 minutes that night. February - Mr Amaral fails . He most certainly has done that in the Madeleine McCann case. He and his team also (rightly) rejected claims by Dr David Payne that he saw all three of the McCanns children alive on a visit he and Kate McCann said that he had made to the McCanns apartment at about 6.30pm on 3 May. A preliminary point to raise is: were the twins present when, according to the PJ theory, Madeleine died? Despite this, Kate McCann had the effrontery to mention this case in her 2011 book on the case, madeleine. On both, her hair length was the same. But, according to the PJ theory, they must have been. The death may have occurred as a result of a tragic accident. It follows from all that we have said above that, if Madeleine did indeed die on Sunday 29 April, those who knew she had died must have carefully planned an audacious hoax over a period of four days, so cunning and clever that most people still believe that she was abducted. (vi) Can we get all this done before 8.30pm, when were supposed to meet our friends for dinner? This booking appears to have been made on the Sunday night. Some suggest that maybe the body wasnt hidden before 8.30pm, but lay there while they were eating, with someone - presumably Gerry McCann later carrying his dead daughter to a temporary or final resting place somewhere after that. Later, Robert Murat claimed that Mrs Fenn had phoned, Madeleine McCann Research Group, August 2016,,, he room forensically cleaned of any blood? Deliberately creating stories about claimed sightings of Madeleine which they knew to be false. Do those who suggest Madeleine had died after 6pm honestly believe that all nine of the Tapas 9 could have, with every appearance of calm, nonchalantly sat down for dinner that night as though nothing had happened? There was evidence that the photo was not taken in England as claimed, but in Portugal. It follows from all that we have said above that, if Madeleine did indeed die on Sunday 29 April, those who knew she had died must have carefully planned an audacious hoax over a period of four days, so cunning and clever that most people still believe that she was abducted. The appointment by Tony Blair of his most senior PR officer, Clarence Mitchell, the Director of the Media Monitoring Unit at the Central Office of Information, and responsible directly to the Cabinet Office, to head up the governments PR initiative in support of the McCanns. Madeleine McCann may have been kidnapped by slave traders and sold to a rich family in North Africa or the Middle East, a . In our view the involvement of Robert Murat in this case is another significant pointer to Madeleine having died on the Sunday. Officials say new charges relate to offences allegedly committed in Portugal between 28 December 2000 and 11 June 2017 . reminiscent of the death of Princess Diana in 1997.Her parents . In the same interview, she was asked a 49th question: Are you aware that in not answering these questions you are jeopardising the investigation into your daughters disappearance? Kate McCann answered: Yes, if thats what the investigation thinks. The initial DNA samples taken from the body fluids discovered in the McCanns apartment and in their car showed a 99.99% certainty that they belonged to Madeleine McCann. It is a fact that from about 8am on Friday 4 May, the news of Madeleines reported disappearance rapidly became the top story in both Portugal and Britain for weeks - and has continued to make international headlines ever since. Have we got anything we can carry her body out in, without anybody thinking there might be a body in it? From that moment on, no other person saw the little girl, apart from her parents and their friends. Was there a meeting of some kind there that week? Portugal. . No-one else heard a child crying loudly for 75 minutes that night. In April, Portuguese police arrived in the United Kingdom to observe questioning conducted by Leicestershire Police of the McCanns' dinner guests on the night Madeleine vanished. She said she spoke to a friend of hers, Edna Glyn, while the crying was going on, but neither of them did anything about it. This booking appears to have been made on the Sunday night. If she died after 6pm on Thursday 3 May, what would the McCanns and their friends have had to do in the four hours between 6pm and 10pm? Later, when re-interviewed by the Portuguese police on 10 and 11 July, after police had interrogated his mobile phone, and discovered that the account he had earlier given of his movements was false, he completely changed his story, claiming he had been too tired on 15 May to tell the truth. The unconvincing and vague evidence given by creche nanny Catriona Baker about what Madeleine was actually doing in the crche all week. In addition to all these considerations, for Martin Grimes cadaver dogs to have alerted to the scent of a corpse, no longer present, some three months after the McCanns had vacated their holiday apartment, Madeleines body must have been lying in the McCanns apartment for at least 90 minutes, probably two hours or longer. It appeared in a short film made by Madeleines godfather, film-maker Jon Corner. - somewhere where no-one could find it? Here we set out, briefly, some key objections to our theory - and provide our responses: Nobody could keep up the pretence that their daughter had been abducted - knowing that she was dead - for so long (nine years now). Or quickly nip round and knock on their doors. There are four photographs from the holiday that we can accept as having been taken on the McCanns' camera on that holiday: the three 'playground' photos, which were clearly taken on the Saturday, and the Pool photo, which the McCanns insist was taken on Thursday 3rd May, but evidence clearly indicates was actually taken on Sunday 29th April. We find this a curious incident. Whilst this doesnt prove that Jane Tanner and Robert Murat were in Krokowskis apartment that week, it certainly raises at least the possibility that they were. It was a wild goose chase. A suspect in the Madeleine McCann case who may have sexually assaulted five British girls in the Algarve up to 10 years ago died in 2009, according to a source close to . However, in our view it is very unlikely that her death could have been a simple accident, otherwise the McCanns would have taken her to the local hospital. All other claimed sightings of Madeleine on 3 May are equally unproven and open to serious doubt. Three-year-old Madeleine McCann vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment almost 15 years ago. This was confirmed by Kate McCanns own account of the events of that week, in her book, Madeleine, which did nothing to remove all the question marks about the many contradictions and inconsistencies about what really happened that week. Mrs. Besides that, when journalists tried to question the McCanns close friend David Payne about the events of their holiday in Praia da Luz that week, he refused to talk, saying: We have a pact of silence. These and a number of other considerations about Robert Murat lead us to think that he was summoned to Portugal during Monday 30 April because something serious had happened to Madeleine the previous day, and that his help was needed to cover this up. Why did he say seven children, and not eight? In McCann and Healy v.Portugal ([2022] ECHR 725)(in French only), the Fourth Section of the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that the applicants' Article 8 rights had not been violated by the publication of a book, a documentary programme, and a newspaper interview alleging that the applicants' daughter had died inside their holiday flat and that the applicants had hidden . He demonstrates that photos of Madeleines pyjamas were taken inside the McCanns own apartment and while the pyjamas were drying. Mitchell once boasted that his job was to control what comes out in the media. Catriona Baker also had a holiday at the McCanns home a few months after Madeleine was reported missing, suggesting a close relationship between them.. All of these, we say, are wholly consistent with something very serious having happened to Madeleine McCann on the Sunday. The German man, who was not publicly named, lived in the Algarve between 1995 and 2007 and burgled hotels and holiday apartments as well as dealing drugs, German police said. Besides that, the times shown for Madeleine being in the creche do not even agree with what Kate McCann says in her own book about the events of that week. It is time for us now to be still more specific about why we think she died on the Sunday that week. Severe doubts about the evidence given by the McCanns and two Mark Warner creche nannies, Catriona Baker and Charlotte Pennington, regarding a high tea which Madeleine is said to have attended between 4.45pm and 6pm on Thursday 3 May. "It is now important to present a summary of this case, based on our deductions: reject what is false, throw out what we can't show with sufficient certainty and validate that which can be proven. 29, 11 Jun 2020; Do we know for sure that Madeleine was with her family in her apartment at 6pm? Whilst this doesnt prove that Jane Tanner and Robert Murat were in Krokowskis apartment that week, it certainly raises at least the possibility that they were. Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Carabinieri MIlano/FindMadeline.comJust a few days shy of what would be Madeleine McCann's 19th birthday, a break in the case points to everyone's worst fears: that the young Briton was abducted, sold and killed by a pedophile sex ring that worked in and around the Portuguese resort town where she disappeared 15 years ago.Thousands of . Chapter 4: The real victim is the missing child. The Portuguese police became convinced that this must be the man whom Jane Tanners evidence suggested had abducted Madeleine. On both, Madeleine was wearing a pink hair bead. Here is what each of the two men actually wrote: This was how Tavares de Almeida expressed the investigations preliminary conclusion I will just reproduce his first six points: From everything that we have discovered, our files result in the following conclusions: he minor Madeleine McCann died in Apartment 5A at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, on the night of 3 May 2007, imulation - a staged hoax - of an abduction took place, n order to render the childs death impossible before 10.00pm, a situation of checking of the McCann couples children while they slept was concocted, Dr Gerald McCann and Dr Kate McCann are involved in the concealment of the corpse of their daughter, Madeleine McCann, t this moment, there seems to be no strong indications yet that the childs death was other than the result of a tragic accident. (as indeed they did so claim). What indications do we have about when she died? A third (but we say unlikely) possibility is that she did suffer a genuine accident, but that the McCanns did not produce her to the local hospital because there may have been indications that Madeleine had previously suffered some form of harm or abuse. When the film was published, the McCanns claimed she had been playing with Mummys make-up box, but that story didnt stand up to scrutiny. Well, that depends on whether or not one accepts as gospel the claims of Gerry and Kate McCann, Catriona Baker and Charlotte Pennington that Madeleine was at a high tea in the Tapas restaurant from (according to Gerry McCann) 4.45pm onwards to about 6pm. Then there would be another very tricky question to answer: Just our very good friends David and Fiona? In this respect, the fact that the only fingerprints found on the opened window was that of Kate McCann is highly significant. The 17 alerts by two cadaver dogs, used by dog top handler Martin Grime, to the odour of a corpse and to blood or body fluids, in locations associated with the McCanns or on their clothes, is prima facie evidence that Madeleine died (or was killed) in the McCanns holiday apartment. dogs had alerted to dirty nappies, not the odour of a corpse, Kate McCann used to carry Madeleines favourite cuddly toy, Cuddle To give but one recent example, dozens of people, including police and celebrities, knew that Jimmy Saville was a serial paedophile. Madeleine McCann went missing in 2007 (PA) 2014 . Madeleine's whereabouts remain unknown, although German prosecutors believe she is . There would then have to be a rapid decision-making process during which all the following decisions would have to be taken: Can we pass this off as a genuine accident? Was this an accident? So we suggest that all these things must have all happened, in approximately this order: They would first have to decide if Madeleine really was dead, or could be revived or resuscitated. Madeleine McCann was three years old when she went missing in 2007. Further to the above point, hairs of the same haplotype as Robert Murat and Jane Tanner were found at Krokowskis apartment when it was searched by the police. Chloe Corner, daughter of Jon Corner; Madeleines godfather, had been a Facebook friend of Catriona Baker well before 2007. Were they sent ahead of Bell Pottinger as a kind of advance party because something serious had already happened to Madeleine? We refer in particular to her article on CMOMM posted on 28 September 2015, on the lack of credible evidence that Madeleine was seen alive after Sunday, link here: Where can we get a car quickly so as to hide it? Could they chat away merrily to the Carpenter family and their children, for example (as indeed they did that night), knowing that their first-born daughter had suddenly died within the past three hours? Do we know for sure that Madeleine was with her family in her apartment at 6pm? We refer here to a masterly study of issues concerning Madeleines pyjamas by Dr Martin Roberts. 6. There is, further, evidence that Catriona Baker was already known to the McCanns. The very next day, early in the morning, a man called Nuno Lourenco rang the Portuguese police and said that, six days previously, a man was taking photographs of children on a beach had tried to kidnap his child at a tiny village called Sagres. Later, when re-interviewed by the Portuguese police on 10 and 11 July, after police had interrogated his mobile phone, and discovered that the account he had earlier given of his movements was false, he completely changed his story, claiming he had been too tired on 15 May to tell the truth. The McCanns seemed to know influential people in the TV media and were successful in contacting them in the early hours of the morning and getting headline news about Madeleines disappearance onto the early Friday morning bulletins. Then, again assuming that they had all agreed to a plan of action, there would be loads more questions about (a) the apartment and (b) how to execute the hoax. They could say that Madeleine must have wandered off somewhere, They could say that they took her down to the beach and she got swept out to sea, Or could we get away with faking an abduction. These are the relevant extracts from Goncalo Amarals book (AnnaEsses translation): On the fateful day of May 3rd, the attendance register at the play centre indicates that Madeleine arrived at 9.10, accompanied by her father. But in the Make-Up Photo, she was looking very sad. She had had blue eye shadow put on her. Madeleine McCann was a 3-year-old British toddler when she went missing on the evening of May 3, 2007, during a family holiday trip in Portugal. It seems unlikely. Her accounts lack any real detail of what Madeleine actually did in the creche that week. It was Wojchiech Krokowski, a man from Poland on holiday with his wife for the week. . The McCanns say the photo was taken at 2.29pm on Thursday 3 May. Madeleine would have been happily playing with her brother and sister, her friends in the Lobsters club, and her Mum and Dad for six days. His co-author, Robbyn Swan, said: "Essentially the Portuguese cops' case against the McCann's involved the following: that she died by accident on May 3; that the supposed checks on the children . German police said earlier that the suspect, who lived near Praia da Luz, has been sentenced on numerous occasions to prison terms for sexual abuse of children in the past. But this Tapas restaurant booking represented a change of plan. We also need to bear in mind that on the basis of the PJ theory as it stands, this was a holiday to a place the McCanns had never been to before. Madeleine McCann's parents have welcomed news that a German man has been formally made a suspect over the three-year-old's disappearance. Kate McCann said that the dogs were only alerting to the conscious or unconscious signals from the dog handler, Martin Grime, a claim that basically accused Martin Grime of gross professional incompetence. Let us presume at this point that they decided to tell all their friends: Dave, Fiona, Russell, Jane, Matt, Rachael (I assume at this point that those who say that Madeleine died after 6pm fully accept that the McCanns must have let all their Tapas 9 friends know what had happened to Madeleine - and that they all agreed on a plan - though I am aware that some still maintain that maybe, in this scenario, the McCanns didnt say anything to any of their friends, none of whom therefore knew that Madeleine was dead). 'So they are suspects. Here is what each of the two men actually wrote: This was how Tavares de Almeida expressed the investigations preliminary conclusion I will just reproduce his first six points: From everything that we have discovered, our files result in the following conclusions: 1 the minor Madeleine McCann died in Apartment 5A at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, 2 simulation - a staged hoax - of an abduction took place, 3 in order to render the childs death impossible before 10.00pm, a situation of checking of the McCann couples children while they slept was concocted.
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