The purple spell instead rebounded back over his head to three of the men behind him, taking them out effectively, but messily. Percy waited. How long? Muggle glasses need to be replaced every year or so, but magical glasses dont. The Grey Lady turned warily. What do you know about horcruxes? Hermiones face morphed into a small o. I figured it out myself, thanks. }; See to it that public statement says its not Death Eaters, but well find the ones responsible. Even the crueler students were behaving themselves now that most of their targets could easily defend themselves and had the confidence to do so. Regulus wouldnt allow it so he removed the horcrux and put a fake in its place. Do your duty to our school! Dozens of voices rang out at once from every section of the castle, wands raised to the sky. Percy absently packed a few of these in Harrys bag for him to wear once he grew into them. The resulting gust of air did little more than rustle the sheets in the room. Stop! Dumbledore halted his progress, but stared transfixed at the horcrux, black stone reflecting the evening light dully with a symbol carved on its surface. And perhaps I was afraid of what Id find. I love this fic like its my baby. if ( typeof f !== 'object' || f === null || typeof f.hitCallback !== 'function' ) { This Blood Magic deflected the Avada, but Harryd been intended as the murder to make a horcrux. Everyone stared. Their next (and pretty much only accessible) lead was Riddles muggle father whod been killed- and could easily have been the murder necessary to split ones soul for a horcrux. Peasant girl Meya Hild is offered the chan redemancy House elves were rapidly popping in and out to help people, but Harry and Percy could spot more than one that had taken the killing curse in the place of a student. Dumbledore quickly strode to the owl, taking the letter and opening it. Their ploy was safe. Or perhaps they didnt want to face the consequences of failing their Lord. Defodio!- a gouging charm, Incarcerous, Deprimo. Hello. Harry said, taking the seat by Percy. Dumbledore didnt tell you anything whatsoever, did he? Harry glared at the weed as if it was the source of all the problems in his life. You will have no communication with Bellatrix or Narcissa, nor their families or house elves. Dumbledore had passed on his authority over the creature to Harry and Percy, allowing their orders to have precedence over his own and ensuring that no one within Headquarters knew the two were there. Harry thought for a moment. He was declared dead, just like Voldemort. He knew hed seen the symbol on the stone before! window[disableStr] = true; Teachings nice and all, but good grief, its exhausting. He proudly displayed the Black Crest since he was Siriuss godson- he liked to imagine that this is what it would feel like if Sirius would officially adopt him. One never knew with Dumbledore) given away information that he didnt mean to. Can a living thing, like his snake, be a horcrux?, I wish I had the answers, Mr. Weasley. Tears began pouring out of his eyes. Percys cheek pulsed hotly as blood flowed into it. The purpose-, I bet the spy, he spat, told you all this! How can I just tell the Order- oh, hey, I know you thought I was faithful only to the Minister, but Ive been a spy all along, sorry for not telling you? I was their child, not the freak left to them.. Clearly, this was some sort of ploy. Then the Death Eaters decided to be smart and cast only those three spells. Harry had found an old necklace of Reguluss and put it on that morning. While Dudley was pampered, police found proof that little Harry had been forced to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs for many years before receiving a scholarship to a school in Scotland. Molly huffed. When youre at the Ministry, I dont know if youre safe. Fawkess tears saved him from the venom after it had done its job. Ginny turned to ask Harry a question. Besides, if you go down, Im going down with you, remember? I can teach it to you. I dont know exactly why, but the story somehow doesnt feel complete *sigh*This only took a week and a half or so of writing almost every single day for me to finish (and almost 10k today alone by working for hours on end with a rather large supply of tea), but here I am! disintegrate through the shield or were hit by rebounding spells. I do. (Harry couldnt help but smile at the two students. Nice to meet you. Harry called Kreacher to bring some tea. O mundo mgico estava a viver num clima de grande tenso e terror, Tom Riddle, mais conhecido atualmente como Lord Voldemort estava cada dia mais a reforar os seus ataques tanto no mundo bruxo como no trouxa. We will figure something out, Perce, and we will survive. Molly forced a smile on her face and hid the Daily Prophet behind her back. I have a lot more trust in him than I do you at the moment. Dumbledore looked crestfallen, but nodded nonetheless. The House Tables had been replaced with ten smaller tables. Of course! I know its tiring me out. Percy claimed. How do we destroy it?. I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, do hereby pledge to inform Percival Ignotius Weasley of the knowledge with which he has requested, on the terms that he aid me in the coming war with Lord Voldemort. They glanced into each others eyes and said the last line, It wasnt until Dumbledore was back in his office that he realized hed promised all this information away, while Percy Weasley had only pledged to aid Dumbledore. Its extra defense lessons. This is our last train ride! Only Rudolphus Lestrange managed to get out. If we seem to be close allies, the Ministry would never accept me. You wont be dead. Percy raised an eyebrow. His two older brother Bill and Charlie was too busy playing with each other to pay attention to him. Half the rooms occupants glared at him. Im not leaving you to deal with this on your own. He took down without anyone knowing there was a threat, then pinned the blame on those around him, causing dissent as no one knew who was an enemy and who wasnt and began releasing curses upon one another. Somehow he didn't believe the professor would believe the same story he'd passed around. padding: 0 !important; Binns class at least. Harry was quite happy not to be living in his old cupboard; he had grown over the last few years and knew hed be very cramped. With five days left before battle, Dumbledore stood before the Great Hall and made a speech. Everyone had thought he was a Ministry-worshiper. He made up some bull about staying most of the time with Miss Fig and avoiding the Dursleys, but forced a change of topics rapidly. Percy stood pacing Reguluss room while Harry unpacked everything that had been Reguluss and conferring with Kreacher. After nearly thirty fangs had been cut loose and Percy was breathing heavily, the two had Fawkes take them back to Dumbledores office where he very carefully stored the Basilisk fangs until they could find a home elsewhere. To be the Guardian of the hunt. Im fine, Im just gonna miss this place. He was taking a risk by revealing anything to Dumbledore, yes, but Dumbledore was also taking a risk by being here. It was a miracle Harry was still alive. The Ceremony is a simple affair, but one that will severely lessen the sanity and appearance of the being that is brought back to human form. Born few months after Lily and James graduated, their eldest child, a daughter, was not of interest to Voldemort. We know hell be coming with his entire army. Painfully, he felt his skin stretch, bones lengthen, until he took a shape that resembled a human. Yeah. Sirius looked like someone had kicked his puppy. Oliver had taken to writing Percy even more which was great except Percy had to lie to his old friend. However, we cannot let on that we know Voldemorts plans so soon. Process what had occurred had occurred are grieving at the age of four here because there had been a at! Kayla Elizabeth Weasley, Molly Weasley's first daughter and Ron's twin. "You put me in a house besides the one with the lions, hat, I will shred you to pieces, sew the scraps into a sack, and . But the seed of doubt had been planted. The students were mostly in bed. However, Im sure everyone will be meeting Miss Tonks tomorrow. Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged excited looks. Call Kreacher if you feel up to something to eat or come down to the kitchen. Harry giggled. Dumbledore, Privet Drive is not and never was safe! Dumbledore sighed then seemed to remember Harry was in the room. Dumbledore sighed wistfully as he thought of sweet Ariana, but agreed that he ought not to give into the temptation.It was with great shock, Percy realized later, upon thinking of the Deathly Hallowss legend, that Harrys Invisibility Cloak perfectly fit the description. No, and from your descriptions of some of the creatures infesting this place, thats a good thing. Harry opened the door and Percys breath rushed out of him. They, as Harrys best friends, would also be targets. My boy, I- Harry didnt listen, instead turning to Percy. The Death Eaters had at least one hundred and twenty dead bodies along with those that had managed to. Sirius Black is innocent? Prat. If children were attacked, it shows no ones safe, not just political leaders. Hes dead, Basilisk Fang and Sword of Gryffindor both in him- snake dead a few meters away. Theyd have to put things back where the belonged- oh. Oh, Merlin how he missed that red-headed kid. Desk at one corner and a small portion of the gods, are at! But this is your last chance before Ron, Ginny, Mione, and I have to go to school. The Arithmancy teacher and the muggle studies professors had both requested time off to be with their families. Molly made an irritated noise in the back of her throat and Harry watched in amusement as the twins fled the famous Weasley ire. The next day was Harrys fifteenth birthday. Percy joined him silently, walking around the school despite a few stares. What Order business? Hermione asked curiously. Why? The Dark, Harry thought, doesnt stand a chance.. That hed been a part of the horcrux hunt they were still in the dark about? And yous is wearing Black Crest! The twins and Ron walked over at the same time. When a giant man barges through their door and reveals a shocking truth (that theyre wizards), they both However, an unexpected encounter with Fred Weasley redefines her life forever. Percy wore the same clothes from the battle, but both his and Harrys clothes had been spelled clean. Malfoy awkwardly floated them out of the line of fire into a hidden corridor and returned to fighting. Harry nodded with a cheeky smile. Hed been teaching for hours on end and couldnt wait to go to sleep. Reports had been flowing in of Orphanages being attacked; no one seemed to have noticed that the attacks followed a pattern of North-Northeast to South-Southwest. Harry and Percy were just happy not to have spotted Kreacher or Dobbys vacant eyes staring back at them as they scanned the ground. Memorize it. Percy said. My plan had always just been to work my way up the Ministry so that when things went sour, I could make sure the Ministry wasnt corrupted; I could fix things from the inside. Theres supposedly a curse on the position that no one can serve more than one year. Percy joked. He wondered idly who would miss him if he died.